Author Topic: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?  (Read 6123 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2007, 22:47:59 PM »
i missed the bit about presents - I buy my vets some chocs, have already got that this year. I was kindly squeeze in at the end of surgery today, and the vet booked another in at the end of surgery on Fri in case we need it, so they certainly deserve their pressie this year - as they did last year too.
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Offline Schmew

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2007, 17:21:21 PM »
I don't think I've anything to add other than what others have already said - ask which vet(s) are on and make appointments to see the one you like, that's what I used to do with previous multi vet practices.

Our current one is a one man practice, and luckily he's been great with all my creatures, fosters included and setting up accounts with charities. One of my dogs had an emergency op recently and had to stay overnight, he rang every two hours to let me know how he was doing (the dog not the vet  ;)) He recently saw a foster dog I've had with kennel cough, and said if mine came down with it just to ring anf he'd put up antibiotics if needed rather than having to see them, which I thought was nice too. When he's off he has regular locums who have all been good too.

 However if for any reason I wasn't happy, I wouldn't hesitate to change vets. It's really important that you can trust the person looking after your sick animals.

Offline lisa77

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2007, 10:56:30 AM »
At the end of the day hon we all pay them enough of our ££ & have to trust them 100% with our pets lives at the end of the day.. I would change with the slightest problem.. ask around your area/friends for reccomendations  :innocent:

Offline Ela

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2007, 08:57:48 AM »
Never thought about dropping in something for Christmas but what a good idea.

It's the other way round at my vets they buy me pressies. One years it was a ltr Tia Maria, another bottle of I can't remember what it was and the biggest tin of  chocky biscuits I have ever seen. I was a good girl and gave them away to the fosterers.  ;D

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2007, 08:52:58 AM »
Just like to add my two pen'orth.  It is exteremely important esp when an emergency arises that you feel comfortable with the vet you are dealing with so that you are not distracted by unecessary worries about whether the vet is capable or not. It is bad enough trying to concentrate on the important things in an emergency. I realise it may not be possible to pick and choose in an emergency but I really think that is when you need to be able to trust your vet most.

Never thought about dropping in something for Christmas but what a good idea. I'll certainly be doing that as I really like our vet and the surgery staff.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2007, 08:39:21 AM »
Vets, Vet's vet's hmmmmmm, I dont think there is a happy medium where vet's are involved, good one's bad one's
and you always hear the Bad story's , never the good one's :(

You do hear the bad stories, because those are the ones that people remember and which can have a tragic outcome. I like my vets.  I don't have a regular vet as I use a referral centre where the general practice is done by postgrad trainees, but with the exception of one (who was competent, I just didn't warm to him) they have all been really nice and caring.  And the practice owners are both really nice too.  The vet nurses and receptionists are lovely and always make a fuss of my boys.  I've been more often the past couple of years, what with getting Mosi (initial check up, neutering, boosters, string swallowing!...) and Jaffa having a dental last year followed by blood tests, so now when I go it's "is it Jaffa today then?" and they come and have a word with him  ;D

To get back on topic - I agree with what everyone else has said.  Stick with the practice but specify which vets you want to see.  You're entitled to see someone you like and have confidence in.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2007, 08:20:32 AM »
Well, the reason my vet didn't want to see me was cos I put in a written complaint about her!!
Just to say something on Stuart's post, there certainly are lovely vets - my receptionists are very good at fitting me in if I really need it, and we had locum vets for the first couple of years of me using vets, which was poor, but we now have a permanent vet, and she really does care about the cats, and I do get some perks!!
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Offline sheryl

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2007, 22:23:28 PM »
There are about 5 vets where we go and 2 of them I refuse to see.  The receptionist is lovely and when I phone to book she says "yes tomorrow is fine"  or  " you may want to make the appointment another day"  The one vet I prefer to see is Nina who treated Charlie after his accident.

They are your babies and you should only see a vet that you are comfortable with.
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Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2007, 21:21:14 PM »
lol I bet! They are just such genuinely nice people. :) Sandy always remembers me as the "rat lady" who now just happens to have cats ;D They have been so great over the years, I'm definately going to be dropping a big box of choccies and biscuits with a card for them this year :shy:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2007, 20:48:18 PM »
Sandy and Ann really are lovely

They are even better on a night out  ;)

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2007, 20:39:52 PM »
 :thanks: Lynn, that's exactly what I'll do. Sandy and Ann really are lovely - they are probably two of the nicest vets I've come across, and I would recommend them to anyone. ;D  I dread the day they retire - I'll have to go vethunting again! Thankfully, if that should ever happen, I'm sure I'll find it easier now that I'm a member of Purrs! ;)
 :thanks: again, everyone. You've all really helped me look at this from all angles, and I feel much better knowing that I've made the best decision based on good advice (rather than just a knee-jerk reaction). :hug:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2007, 19:41:51 PM »
Thats what i'd do, I probably wouldnt go into any details about the other vet other than to say you have dealt with her before and would really rather not have to again other than emergency of course & just say you like sandy and ann so much you prefer to see them.  Its your money thats paying for their services after all !

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2007, 17:55:37 PM »
 :thanks: guys - as ever you have all been so supportive and helpful about this. It's good to know I'm not the only one in this situation - I know I'm not being unreasonable, but its one of those situations where you do tend to question yourself, so all your reassurance and support has been great :)
I'll definately ask about the shifts of the other two vets. I'll just explain to the reception staff that I'd prefer to see mr and mrs Adam, and ask them to let me know if for any reason they're off or unavailable on a particular day. Hopefully they will be fairly helpful, and as you point out, Delsey, it may be that she is more than happy to avoid me, too :evillaugh:
 :thanks: again, everyone :hug:

Offline Stuart

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2007, 13:17:49 PM »
Vets, Vet's vet's hmmmmmm, I dont think there is a happy medium where vet's are involved, good one's bad one's
and you always hear the Bad story's , never the good one's :(

I can only suggest, if you are happy with two of the vet's at Bridge, find out when their shift's are and ask what day's
they will be on, and work your appointment's through that way  ;)
I remember just before I left my old vet's, I specifically asked to see one of the vet's (June) because over the years,
with seeing different vets all the time  >:(  I just wanted to see the one that had been dealing with hamish mostly
through His Life, if it was for straight forward stuff like vacinations etc, I dont really mind who I see, but if it's an
Ilness or ailment, I like to keep it to the same person because they know their history

at the end of the day We only want the best for our furbabes, and if you are happier dealing with a certain vet
you are quite within your right's to see that one only ;)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 17:59:03 PM by Stuart (Misty's Dad) »
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2007, 11:27:22 AM »
Personally I'd stick with bridge but i think they'd be pretty good at giving appointments with your preffered vet.

If you remember what this female vets name is drop me a pm to see if i know her.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2007, 08:02:41 AM »
There is a locum at my vet I Wont use, and all the staff now, so if she is on when I want to go in, they let me know so I can make alternative arrangements. Although I did find out recently, that is partly cos she refuses to see me as much as I refuse to see her!!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 08:05:11 AM by Desley (booktigger) »
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2007, 06:50:37 AM »
I'd give the receptionist at your new surgery the chnace to make sure you don't get her. Presumably the 'it's you' look means she knows why you left the other practice and will not push in where not wanted. If she does, you can always change vets again.

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2007, 22:38:39 PM »
OMG that's terrible about the poor kitten :( >:(
I know, logically, that you're right - I've every right to specify who I see. I suppose I'm only feeling anxious because I've had "dealings" with her before, when I first tried, unsuccessfully, to avoid her. I know that she recognises me - first time I saw her again, she paused and gave me one of those "oh, so it's YOU then" looks >:(
I know I really shouldn't care - and on one level I don't, I mean, the cats health is more important, and if I have to irritate a vet to ensure they get good healthcare, then its a small price to pay. I suppose I just dread "bumping into" her - if one of the other vets is off, if I really need an appointment at a certain time and she's on etc....

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2007, 21:02:19 PM »
You have the right to see which vet you want to see -

I use 2 vets (different pactices)
At the 1st vets i refused point blank to see the Women Vet, If i was ever offered her i would wait till the next day to see the vet i trusted.

The 2nd vets I always ask to see the Man as I lost trust in the Lady Vet when she "lost" by friends kitten while neutering him ! (very rare for a cat to die while being neutered - Miss monitoring springs to mind !!!!!)

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2007, 17:14:33 PM »
For those of you that have a good relationship with your vet, lucky you, its priceless and don't forget the sherry and sugary confections at christmas.
Believe me, I know what you mean, and agree completely. When I kept rats I really did go through hell and high water to find a vet with any clue about them at all. Having found Dr Adams and his wife up at Bridge, I don't want to move unless I really have to, as they are both wonderful and really, really good vets. They're worth their weight in gold, they saved Jack's life at least once, and Brugh's on three seperate occasions (former ratties).

Offline Angiew

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2007, 17:08:46 PM »
Oh for a really good vet here - especially one that didn't use vets now!!!

I suppose for those of us in rescue, you get to hear so many bad things about so many vets that in the end you don't trust any of them!! For those of you that have a good relationship with your vet, lucky you, its priceless and don't forget the sherry and sugary confections at christmas.

If I ever move, the estate agents are going to think my enquiries on the local vets strange!

Offline Den

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2007, 17:06:26 PM »
It's not that she's deliberately unpleasant, but she is very aloof, brusque and standoffish, doesn't bother to describe, name or explain any diagnoses or medication, isn't very good at handling the animals, and frankly I just don't trust her. I'm sure she's a perfectly good vet for routine stuff, but going by how she handled the rattie crisis, I really wouldn't trust her with anything cronic or out of the ordinary.
Sounds exactly like the one I'm not fond of. A week ago she told a friend her rabbit was being a naughty bun and there was nothing wrong with her. A day later the rabbit was dead  >:(

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Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2007, 16:57:07 PM »
I can't remember her name off the top of my head - she's changed her surname (I assume she got married recently, or at least since the Ardene days), but I'll check.
It's not that she's deliberately unpleasant, but she is very aloof, brusque and standoffish, doesn't bother to describe, name or explain any diagnoses or medication, isn't very good at handling the animals, and frankly I just don't trust her. I'm sure she's a perfectly good vet for routine stuff, but going by how she handled the rattie crisis, I really wouldn't trust her with anything cronic or out of the ordinary.
The other two vets - another lady and an older man - are wonderful. They are very gentle with the animals, and are more than happy to take the time to discuss any treatment with you, no matter how routine.
I think I will try what you guys suggest - I'll just ask who is on whenever I make appointments, and rather than saying that I don't want to see any particular vet, I'll just say who I would prefer to see.
Oddly, when I was there getting Skye's stitches out, we saw the male vet, who made the appt for Riley's booster - he said at the time, "oh, dr.--- is on that day, is that ok?". I didn't think anything of it at the time, and as it was a routine appointment I wasn't worried who I saw. In hindsight, I can't help wondering if perhaps the same thing is happening at Bridge as I suspect happened at Ardene.
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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2007, 15:50:45 PM »
P.S: and the only vet that might get annoyed is the one you don't like and don't want to see anyway so that's not a huge problem and unless she's a rubbish vet she shouldn't let that impact on her care for your animal anyway in the unlikely event that you have to see her. I don't think Sandy (Mr Adams) has any other mood than extreme happiness and bounciness  :evillaugh: and his wife is fab too.
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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2007, 15:41:51 PM »
I always like to see Paul at my vets who is one of the practise owners, and he is really nice and gentle with my babies.

Thankfully they only go at booster time so I can book in advance to see him. If an emergency occurs then I would ask for Darren the other practice owner or Liz who has treated my babes before.

But to be honest all the vets at the practice are nice. I had to rush Zubin there a few weeks back he was stung in the mouth by a wasp, and they fitted us in, the vet we saw was very nice. So I am really lucky, hence why I didnt want to move house 2 years ago.

Just read your post again, just ask for A B or C, one of them will be available.  But poor you, poor rattie. Hopefully you never have an emergency, and then you can choose who you see.  :hug:

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2007, 15:35:36 PM »
Could you figure out what times/days this vet works? I have the same problem so now I go at a time which I can guarantee to get a vet I like.

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2007, 15:25:07 PM »
Oh no which vet is that that has moved to Bridge? Bilbo had a horrible female locum vet when he had his blood test earlier in the year so I always ask which vet mine will be seeing now as I don't trust anyone except Sandy and Anne. The receptionist at Bridge is really nice and doesn't mind you aksing.

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Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 15:22:59 PM »
I'm like this with my vets, it's not that I don't like the vet in question, it's just that she is absolutely useless and any problems I've had with surgery is when she has been involved.  I always phone up and ask who's on, if she's there I take them when another vet is on.  I'm lucky in that my VN knows I would probably walk out if I got down there and she was on, so she rings me and lets me know.  I would just without sounding horrible with them, if you need to see the vet just ring up and ask for a specific one or before you go down there, ask who's on.  Good luck,  :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 14:54:18 PM »
we have a particular vet we like, see if the new vets are a bit better at letting you see who you want

Offline unseeliechylde

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Should I change vets or risk angering one of them?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 14:50:52 PM »
Ok, I've been with our current vets (Bridge) for ages, but before that I was with Ardene house. I changed because I had rats at the time, and the one person at Ardene who was BRILLIANT with them, retired, and I was left with a truly horrible woman who I really couldn't stand, who knew nothing about rats, and who almost killed my 1 1/2 year old boy Monty (thankfully we sorted it out by driving all the way to inverurie to get him treated properly).
At that point I started specifying that I did NOT want to see that specific vet, but anyone else would be fine. I was ignored - time and again I would go to appointments apparently made with a different vet, only to find I ended up with her. So, I moved vet. For ages, everything went fine - the vets there were wonderful with the ratties, and I had no problems.
When we got Riley (and now, Skye) I saw no reason to change, so stayed with Bridge. But now, the horrible vet from Ardene has transferred to Bridge (we had her when we got Riley's boosters last week). I'm not sure what to do - whether I should, as before, specify that I don't want to see her (but that didn't work last time), or whether I should just move again. The trouble is, I actually really like the other two vets that work there - it's just this one woman who is awful. I actually suspect she may have moved from Ardene because other people didn't want to see her either (I know a few others who specified the same as I did when at Ardene).
Any advice?


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