So there we were, all prepared to go for our annual check up and jabs. I'd bought Sabby a new carrier from PAH as he'd got far too big to share with the girls. He'd fallen in love with it, and spend most of his time inside it. So we get out the front door, and cross the busy, wide main road at the front of my house - unusually I'd had to park on the opposite side. Just then ... CRACK! .... and Sabby's carrier collapsed and Sabby sprang out, and high-tailed it right across the main road! I was soooo scared for him! It was dark and raining ... just not what was needed.
I staggered back across the road with the girls and a now-empty carrier, dashed into the house and out the back, to see, thankfully, that Sabby had beaten me to it. But would he come in? Nope! So I had to leave him there in the dark, and head off to the vets with just the girls. I'm just gratified that Sabby seemed to know the way home, even though he never goes on the main road. Thankfully, once I got back, I found Sabby in the garden ... he had declined to come in through the open catflap, it would seem. However, the last pouch of Whiskas did the trick (hehehe!) and now he's safely curled up next to the radiator, none the worse for wear. Think I put on a few years though!
Anyway, it's a trip to PAH to get my money back in exchange for a broken cat carrier and a few well-chosen words! It's not even like Sabby's a monster cat, or anything! Sure, he's chunky (muscley), but he's not fat, and he's only slightly on the large size.
So hey ... at least the good news is that the vet described the girls as in 'absolutely beautiful condition', and Shanti as 'very pretty'! Which, of course, she is!

And they both got a nice clean bill of health

Phew! ... gonna crack open that bottle of red now! I need it!