seconds before reading this, spare cat in mid racing about the room skidding along the laminate chasing some imaginary something knocked the coffe table which such force it threw tea everywhere, narrowly avoiding the laptop
but its completely pointless telling her off as she is quite clearly in charge and pretty much rolls her eyes if i attempt to! instead i opt for a withering look (the same sort i get from her when i do something wrong, like dare to move/breathe)
Lucifer on the other hand usually knows when hes been bad and either has done it deliberatly for a reaction or is trying to look all cute to make up for it already so either way i ignore it
But if I snap at Jaffa I feel guilty because he's a good boy and it's usually just a case of bad timing with him (like wanting attention when I want to be on here!).
thats when i feel guilty, i get this wounded look which usually gets some ham or chicken or treat of some description while i worry that ive made him feel unloved (and he sniggers behind my back)