Good day to you all!
I am very new to this site and i thought i would try and track down some much needed advice on my cats believe it or not!
Let me introduce my cats first of all...
Bruge - I got bruge about 2 years ago. I went to a lovely lady called Katrina, she rehomes alot of cats from her own home in Dalserf. Bruge is probably the biggest cat i have ever met, he is a proud long grey haired cat with white boots and bib, he also does the stinkiest poops that stink out my flat. Oh and he is also about 10 years old. I went to get a kitten and i came back with a middle aged lion!
Katie - She is a fiesty little torag that i got again from Katrina, she called me about 4 months ago to let me know she had a long haired kitten and if i wanted her then i could. When i went to see the kitten she was in a room filled with kittens and Katie just stood out to me, she was slightly older and was handed to Katrina as she got flees and her owner didn't want her anymore. She has a fantastic life with me knocking things over attacking my face whilst im sleeping and the occasional cuddle.
Anyways!! Back to the point.
I can not leave anything on the floor, as one of my kittys love to wee on it. Mainly the older one. Can i stop this and why is it happening?
also, the two of them poo constantly... am i feeding them too much? I have been feeding them Burn's dry food and it looked healthy...
Oh and how do i train my middleaged cat Bruge how to use his igloo cat tray!
Sorry for being a pest but im trying to make my home have more peace and harmony!
Much obliged,