i just have probs getting in the bed, i tend to have toffee sprawled out at the bottom looking more like a jack russel or at least the size of one, tiger is a bit further up from him, or seb will be curled up on top of the duvet where tiger would normally be but only if i have been sat on the bed watching tv, and im just too soft to push there butts off my space so i end up squeezed between them and manthing which is no small accomplishment might i add, im just glad hes not as big as me or id be reduced to sleeping on the sofa...... i really need me a kingsize bed

more so now seb has seen fit to slowly edge his way under the duvet, did i mention that by 8am he was laid half way under manthing???? well he was, all you could see of him was front legs and head, oh yeah and i made a noise... both of them lifted there heads in my direction as if they were looking at me for disturbing them but both had there eyes shut, i had to do all i could not to pee my self with laughter, so cute there almost becoming one

he he I have that duvet cover too.... *goes to get coat*
i love that duvet set, i got it as a wedding prezzi, its loads better than the others i have, i love black on my bed, cant see the muck manthing leaves behind

notice i say manthing and not kittys