Author Topic: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?  (Read 2442 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2007, 15:35:20 PM »
If its done quick and smoothly a scruff is good, they have no time to think about it cos its over and done before they can blink.

My vet who can pick Sasa up and she will dangle on his arm
Millys like that, goes all meek and lovely as soon the vet touches her, its a case of them knowing who they can and cant mess with.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2007, 08:55:13 AM »
I hear what you say about "scruffing" but Billy doesn't seem to mind. I wouldn't do it if he did and I'm very quick. Perhaps he's a bit odd?  ;D  It certainly doesn't stop him going back to his favourite places as it's only when he's in his favourite places that I stand a chance of getting my hands on him. I've done the trapping thing and we both became very stressed.

I think when they get to the vets they are so different. My vet has little trouble with Billy either although he certainly would never dangle on anyone's arm. That must drive you crazy!

Tails up is excellent sign.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2007, 23:52:06 PM »
My vet who can pick Sasa up and she will dangle on his arm, said never to scruff them cos that will make them worse. so thats why I go for the trapping way.........actually I have no choice cos I wouldnt be able to hold her.

Sasa became impossible after going into a cattery for few days and ran away for a week after. Up uintil then I could stroke her on the stairs as long as she was two steps above me  but Wizz was right never try to catch them in their favorite place cos they will never go back there.

She was right cos not only did all the little trust go but she has never beeeen back on the stairs  :(

At least during the summer this year, although she rushed outside when we got home and stayed out for few hours she was back in again by night and didnt run away this time.

She is still the same scaredy Sasa but she will occasionally come up to my hand to sniff it and she also summons me to play by scratching the door and slamming it against the wall! When I follow her I get a tail up so I am hoping that my year of ignoring her most of the time is sorta working and as I type I know she is in her new hiding place behind me , cos she doent want to be left out. She is only about 3 feet away but thinks I dont know she is there  ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2007, 21:03:44 PM »
she was so terified she was frozen and when she realized she was trapped she was crying pityfully and it was breaking my heart................

Unfortunately MM, my problem the same as Gill's in that I get so het up if I think the little fella is scared.  I had to do the grab and shove when work started on the CH and bathroom over the summer and had to go into a cattery coz the noise sounded like the house was being knocked down but can't justify grabbing for a booster when it's not overdue yet.

You're prob right about him being easier to handle when he's ill as I somehow managed to get him into carrier last year when he had his abcess altho I recall a bit of trickery being used with wiggly waggler. Like Sasa, he just won't fall for that one anymore so have to wait till he is desperate for some fuss with metal comb and grab scruff of neck with right hand and scoop with left hand under his chest into top opening carrier and close flap. Which hands are used for each action are vital to the whole exercise if I stand a chance of success.  Tried wrong way round the other day and it was a disaster.  I am certainly not encouraging anyone to grab scruff of neck but only lasts a couple of seconds with the Whiz and done very rarely of course. 

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2007, 16:06:19 PM »
You'll get him in when hes ill and then you'll be pleased you renewed it  ;D

I have some who dont like being boxed and its a case of smallest room possible and a grab and shove  :rofl:

Iv just thought of a good business opportunity, a pet catcher for those with troublesome cats, id be rolling in it  :evillaugh:

Offline jetcleo

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2007, 10:59:26 AM »
Jet used to turn feral as soon as the cat carrier came out.  Someone suggested i take the front (door) off the carrier and put the box down where ever the cats played.  Tried it a few weeks before they were next due at vets and it worked.  They were intrigued and as they knew they wern't going to be locked in it straight away they grew to like it..

Just hope they are willing to go in next time they're at the vets
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2007, 23:25:10 PM »
I know the problem Rosella cos of Sasa and I have to thro a very elaberate performance to trap her. I also have arrangement with the vet to ring when I have caught her.

First is to know where she is and have a carefully prepared plan.

She was safely on her sofa in the study...............she is not using it any more!..............then was to start shutting all doors so only place she could run to was into hall and I blocked off the stairs. Once she was in hall shut study door and I ahve a big cage with the whole of one end that opens.

Next was to corner her with the cage, one end covered and other end open and theory was she would run into it.......sigh.

She didnt and it took nearly an hour of trying to get her to go in, I tried pushing gentley, stroking............cant touch her but she was so terified she was frozen and when she realized she was trapped she was crying pityfully and it was breaking my heart................and eventually she ran in but it was so hard. She is also very heavy and I cant attempt to pick her up over the cage and know from last year she is very very strong and quick, I stand no chance holding her.

I think its so hard when they are so scared  and Kocka was too but she was smaller and lighter and I wasnt ill then but she used to hide from me and a couple of times I could not find her in the house at all although I knew she was there cos the cat flap had been shut and thats how she knew of course!

I wish you luck with Billy and hope you can catch him without too much stress for both of you  :hug:

Offline hOrZa

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 23:00:03 PM »
I just put my carrier down and they walk into  it :) that will change after next wednesday :rofl:

I feel cruel as a male to do that to my cats :)
Cats are like little bundles of razor blades wrapped in soft fur.

Offline Ellie

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Re: Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2007, 22:57:09 PM »
Awww bless the gorgeous Billy Wizz  :Luv:

My four follow a treat anywhere even into the carrier  :evillaugh:

Hopefully you can persuade him to go in it soon  :hug:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Why did I bother renewing insurance for Billy?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2007, 21:53:08 PM »
Billy is due for his booster. Tried getting him into carrier about 10 days ago but ended up bringing Freddie on his own.  Tried again on Monday. Mom thought she was being helpful closing catflap but he obviously heard it closing and couldn't get near him so Tom went on his own. Vet has now agreed I don't need to make appointment; just bring him when I can get him in carrier.

Thing is I renewed his insurance with M&S just before nil excess was removed but what was the point if I can't get the little  :boxer: in his carrier?! I wish he wasn't so clever  :Luv:


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