my god thanku soooo much u guys i cant believe you all have the same feelings on this matter as i do
i thought everyone would pounce on me in anger
i did have cats but i moved out i have had them all my life. i had a black and white male called sam. he looked like the felix cat but sadly he died at 13 from cancer of the liver
, a blue tortoise shell female called misty who died at 17 from a heart defect, Barney a black very wild cat, he actually disappeared and despiteall the notices, call to vets etc he never returned....i think i know what must have happened
he was 10, and last but not least was Rosie my silver tabby, she is really cute and chubby she lives with my cousin as i fell pregnant and felt she would be better with somone who had the time for her, i still see her she is so adorable!
all the cats apart from sam, were rescues.
i have all the neighbours cats come in my garden now its so funny!like a blimmin sanctuary!
one is looking very sad though, she is a very dark grey almost blue siamese type.... she has a very saggy tummy and lots of teats, she is very bery skinny and i think the portuguese family across from me own her....and a male exactly the same as her....he is entire and i feel he is the brother and the father of the kittens....i have never seen the kittens???? when she came in my house she was very brave as she is very shy of people... she must have been exhausted all she wanted to do was have a cuddle and go to sleep? she had never been in before and i have not seen her since???
she probably pregnant can we stop this???? even if i do get another can and spay her she willl still be harrassed by the entire males and even though she wont be able to get pregnant it cant be nice. would she still get harrassed?