I need peep's advice. My relatives live quite far from here, as in it takes a whole day to go and see them and come back (early am to late eve). They know that I am bonkers about my boys and that they are old and need care and I hate leaving them. However they take huge offence if I don't go there at Xmas, which I don't want to do (and know the invitation's going to arrive any time). Last year I told the truth and said Swampy was too ill and I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable leaving him all day and they were upset and took it personally (they have a cat, which they care about and for, but it's 'a cat'). OH thinks we can't always rebuff the relatives, (even if some of them are best avoided lol) as we don't have much family. Sooooo - do I make up an excuse that we've been invited elsewhere?!