Tks Gill, Lynn, Mark - had just typed a whole reply and lost it all when trying to upload photo/blood test scan!! So here's a copy of part of things (you'll see double text as I had already inserted part in 1st msg). Mark, Roosendaal is 2 hrs drive south of Leiden but it's great here too!! Any suggestions on how to reduce photo/scan size (tried reduced emailling to myself already)
So Onyx and Jade came to us on June 18th of this year and are now about 7months old (they were born around the 1st of April).
On August 14th, Onyx suddenly started displaying lameness of both hind legs, moving around almost like a bunny rabbit on his back haunches. We took him to the vet, thinking he had injured something as they are always playing and running around like crazy!! There was no fever, no other symptoms whatsoever and he continued to eat well and play with his sister, be it hampered. Only his ears seemed to be ‘droopy’ – they don’t point straight up but slightly outwards now and that has stayed.
He was given a painkiller injection (called Rimadil here) and some Metacam, anti-inflammatory drug. There was no significant improvement, on the contrary, after a couple of days he seemed worse.
Back at the vet they did some basic reflex testing and there were quite slow reactions with the back legs, we then had to give him half a tablet of 5 mg Prednisolon (Pred). Within 2 days Onyx cleared up and walked normally.
After three more days, however, he showed a stiff neck, he walked like a little horse with his head bent down, arching his neck.
He was given a half tablet (5 mg) of Pred for a week and he didn’t react.
Then the front legs went sort of lame. We immediately took him to an animal neurologist. Various reflex tests and X-rays revealed all was normal with the backbone, legs and neck. The organs too, all seemed complete and in place (for as much as you can see on X-rays)
We stopped administering the Pred, changed his diet from canned to fresh foods only. He now gets Cholodin (choline, phosphatidylcholine, inositol, zinc), a homeopathic remedy with Vitamine B complex and it works to improve the nervous system/neuro transmitters.
We took out house plants/pot pourri and looked for signs of toxins in our household (the kittens don’t go outside).
We thought of Limping Disease but ruled it out, symptoms started only after 2 months after the vaccinations (they’ve had 2 sets now – no reactions with Jade) and ear mite/flea medication called Stronghold.
Onyx has since had general blood tests, clear on all counts except a very slight increase in alfa 2, tests for Lyme disease were negative.
No MRI/contrast scan (600 euro here) yet as I feel that may be very intrusive to him as yet – we carted him back and forth to various surgeries over a period of 4 weeks. No FELV/FIV as tests were negative (this 1st time - will test again later in a couple of months).
No indication of toxomplasmosis (my vet says cat hardly ever have this) or thyroid defects.
No weird walking like CH-cats – Onyx seems more cramped up, but no spasms/spasmic movements.
Vet has been wonderful - neurologist too busy to really take things in. I've been making regular little videos of Onyx to show his movements. No heart murmurs, lungs fine all regularly checked up by vet, thinking of virus infection when still in womb to cause brain damage. Tumor/blood clot ruled out because symptoms come and go ad hoc and always with total recovery - no change since start last Aug.
Lynn will read ...shunt tonight - tks for that!!