Author Topic: Foster updates  (Read 5631 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2008, 22:57:38 PM »
Got this e-mail yesterday, wonderful timing, it had been a bad 24 hours where you wonder why you do this, and this helps me realise why (although really all I need to do is look at Molly!!)

Lucy is still doing well now dropped to 5.8kg.  Although I think that the scales may have been a bit off – but she is looking much better and is going out quite a bit – she can even negotiate the cat flap now – although she does still prefer for you to open the door for her!!

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2008, 17:27:37 PM »
Could you send them to me please? I like to keep pics of fosters in their new home, and I am doing a board that we can take to fundraisers with us.
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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2008, 16:44:33 PM »
You should have said Des - I've got a couple of pics of Tom in his new home that they sent through not long after he was there - was going to do a page on the site about him and other 'success' stories but then everything happened at the end of last year so never got round to it.
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2008, 11:08:56 AM »
Went to see one of my ex-fosters last Sun, it was lovely seeing her again - I have seen pics since she went, as I am friends with her mum, but not seen her in the flesh. She came to us as an 8mo kitten with kittens, and came to me after she was neutered, so 10 mo, and as she had had babies so young, she was really thin, so it was wonderful to see her all filled out and grown up (it is 2 years this spring/summer), and so happy and well. I did take some pics, just dont know where the camera is! !

Also managed to find Tom's owners details, so on the phone to her now, he settled in after the second day and Tom has taken over. He gets taken for walks round the garden but hates being left outside. He gets on quite well with their female cat now. Apparently he is living the life of riley, and is very happy.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 12:43:30 PM by Desley (booktigger) »
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2007, 21:40:44 PM »
I just wish Chi hadn't been so young, I can be proud of Chloe.

More updates - Abbie, my first foster homed through CAT77 is doing well, they have had her for 2 and a half years now, we estimated her at 2, but her vet says as young as 1, which is really sad as she came in with 7 week old babies, and I think she was with us a month before being rehomed. Very bossy, spoilt cat, and they dont think she will tolerate others, shame, as she got on so well with Kaz here. She was a gorgeous black and white, am sure I have a pic of her.

Then I spoke to the woman who had Lucy, she was going to ring me next week, as Lucy is up for her first weigh in!! She is doing really well though, gets on really well with her kids, and goes out a bit (so didn't read our contract that states to keep them in for 6 weeks, she has only been there 4, and I got the impression they let her out after 2 weeks!! Luckily she sticks to the garden.). She wont use the cat flap though, she knocks on the back door instead!!

And little NEcia (now named Lily) is doing well, gets on well with the ladies other cat, and is nice and spoilt - and will now sit on her knee, so am really glad to hear that.

Just a few people left to speak to now, one I dont think I am going to be able to get an update for, as the mobile number I had for them seems to be out of use now, which is a shame.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2007, 17:48:29 PM »
I think its great to hear how they are all doing  ;D

RIP those who have gone to the Bridge.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2007, 12:40:55 PM »
I second everything that Clare has said Des.....RIP little ones  :(

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2007, 09:08:39 AM »
Aw, I know its sad about the ones who have passed to the Bridge, but without your help, they would not have had the love and attention they enjoyed from you, and their respective homes afterwards  :hug:  RIP little ones.

The success stories are always heartwarming, and just brings to light again what a fantastic and important job you guys do, and how you change these little furries lives.

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2007, 07:53:19 AM »
Good and sad updates last night.

I rang Casey's owner, she was a pure black female at my work, who was friendly (although in the car journey, I did debate that after being scratched an awful lot, and drawing blood through 2 layers of clothes!!), I was actually supposed to be having a break due to home improvemnt works, but the weather turned really cold, and couldnt leave her there, so the cage came into use!! She found a home after a month, and she is doing really well, very happy and content, loves her son (she sleeps with him every night), and is such a part of hte family there is no chance she will ever come back into a rescue - the kind of happy ending I like.

Then I rang about Chloe, who wasn't technically a foster, but spent a couple of days here. Her owner took her to my vet to be pts, cos they had had enough of her (can't fully remember the 'excuse' they gave, but it was connected with their kids I Think), my vets obviously couldn't do it, and rang me. I was full at the time, so put a plea out on CC, and fortunately, someone offered to take her on, she had a couple of days with me till she could be collected. Sadly, she passed away a couple of months ago, but it wasn't as hard to hear about her as it was Chi, as her owner said she was 14 last Feb, so it was old age that caught up with her, an I am proud that thanks to me and Pippa, she went at her natural time, rather than 18 months sooner, and she had so much love for that 18 months. RIP little one
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 22:01:33 PM »
I have had another update this evening, I helped a cat earlier this year who's owner was poorly and she couldnt' go into a cattery due to not having her boosters, so as she originally adopted from us, we stepped in, she was here for 5 weeks, and 6 months later, her owner is still well, and they are still happy together, although Sally has decided to start sleeping in the bath, and goes out a bit more now than she ever used to. So, another happy ending, and one that she may not have had. Here's her pic

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 18:49:29 PM »
Thanks JS - one of my foster kittens died at the rescue yesterday, so a bit of an upsetting weekend really. I am lucky though that out of all my fosters (42, if you include Percy), there have only been 3 losses, and only one with me. Wish little Rowdy had got a home rather than passing away at the rescue though.
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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 18:43:58 PM »
Desley, well done on helping these little ones. It's very sad about Chi, but as you said at least he got some love and attention before he passed away.

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 18:27:10 PM »
Yeah, just a shame about Chi, it is the first of my fosters to have died in their new home, so rather sad, and I was nearly in tears down teh phone to the poor lady. Wish I had been more up to date with things, it wouldnt have been so bad for her then. I forgot two updates

Molly - well, I took her on nearly 2 years ago as we didnt think she had long left, and 22 months later, she is perfectly happy and healthy, her pic is on another thread in here. She is currently very spoilt and fast asleep on the bed.

Tiger - she has been here 14 months now, she has some health issues, but I am happy for whatever time we have, she is very happy and content, was playing outside with me earlier, and is a lot better with humans than when her original owner decided he no longer wanted her after 13 years. Her pic is also on another thread
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 18:43:07 PM by Desley (booktigger) »
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Re: Foster updates
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 18:22:56 PM »
How nice to hear they are coming along well in their new homes  :) Well done Des.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Foster updates
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 18:08:51 PM »
Have spent part of the afternoon ringing round people who have adopted cats from me (am on a mission!!), and have some lovely updates, and as some of you will remember the cats, I thought I would share.

Will do them in order of them being with me. Some of you wont know the first cat, he was my last CP foster cat, and one they didnt think had a chance of a home life, he was so scared when I went to take his pic he weed himself (although he never had an accident in my house, just on the way). He was a large black and white male. I had him for 5 months, and he was better, but still not handleable, but he is now a relatively 'normal' cat and while his owner is in the room, he will accept fusses from people, and sat on her daughters knee. I am going up mid-end November, and would love to be able to stroke him, I will always have a soft spot for him. Here is a pic of him

and one in his new home, taken the other Christmas

Then there was Chi, he was the last foster of last year, arrived on the 23rd December, we were told he was a 7/8 mo female, the vet estimated him at 2, and also a male, rather than a female!! Sadly, they had bad news for me, he was hit by a car in March (they adopted him at the beginning of Jan, he was the second adoption of the year). RIP little one, at least you were taken off the streets, and given lots of love.

Finn and Mimi are doing well, Finn has just had cat flu, but over it now.

Shabba and Kizzy are also doing well, not very interested in fusses, Kizzy will only allow her head and tail to be touched!! Getting fussy eaters, and both have put weight on, which is good. Still fascinated by the hamsters, Kizzy has had about 3 bites from him now, but hte hamster is very clever and keeps winding them up!! They aren't bothered about going out, which is good at this time of year.

Pilchard - not officially one of my fosters, she was rehomed via our rehoming page, but nearly had to come into our care as they had a lot of issues with her, and she didn't seem happy there. They are going to e-mail me some pics this week.

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