This was on another animal forum I visit:
{edited to remove email. Pls contact JS for email directly}
Her name is Bella, she is a healthy black short hair cat, 8 years old, very friendly and shy. Her owner decided she doesn't want her any more and
brought her to the veterinary practice. They wanted to put her to sleep, but we persuaded them to leave her here during the weekend. In the
meantime, we are looking for a new home. Her owner doesn't want to leave her in a protection shelter so if by monday we don't have a new
home, her owner really wants to put her to sleep. I know this is not fair so if you are interested or know somebody who may be interested please
get in touch as soon as possible!
thank you so much"
Can anyone help? I've emailed offering to foster her until such a time as I can find her a permanent home, but I'm miles away.