Author Topic: Poor Furbaby hit by a car  (Read 8880 times)

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2007, 12:41:01 PM »
Thanks everyone

Can't tell you how upset I was when I took her in this morning. An when I left at her she looked at me terrified.

I'm waiting for the call to tell me the results of the x rays and if they've had to remove her tail which I thik is a foregoen conclusion.

In fact I might phone them up in a minute cause the waiting is killing me,

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2007, 08:01:26 AM »
Fingers crossed for today, I am sure things will go fine, as long as the x-rays are good.
Please spay your cat

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2007, 21:32:52 PM »
Good luck for tomorrow ,will be thinking of you all. Please post how things are going. :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2007, 21:24:53 PM »
Sorry and i do hope all goes well tomorrow, will be thinking of you both  :hug: :hug:

Offline lucy

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2007, 21:14:35 PM »
Can't say anything to help but  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2007, 20:19:45 PM »
I was told there was so much swelling they wanted to wait for the swelling to go down and see if when the swelling went down she regained feeling in her tail
She didnt' want to rush into amputating her tail if there was a chance she coudl keep it apparently.

The vet said that she knew of cases where they rushed in and amputated and the signs didn't convince her that the cat couldn't recover feelign in their tail.

I do appreciate that but like I kept telling the vet I know it must have happened last Thursday night/ Friday morning, we found her on the Saturday late afternoon.
It;s now almost a week later after she got the injury !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's waiting then there's waiting for the tail to just turn have the bone left.

Ok so i'm her mummy an i'm just so sad for her, she's been in and out of there 3 times and today she was right arsey about going in again, so I know she's gonna be really stressed tomorrow.

I can do nothing to make any of this any better for her and that makes me angry and sad and guilty and completely hacked off

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline blackcat

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2007, 19:48:31 PM »
I find it incredible that Furbabe was not admitted that day and treated as an emergency. Xrays, surgery etc done with the minimum of delay. Defo go to another vet.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2007, 13:25:53 PM »
I do agree about a second opinion, your cat should not be left in great pain for days and not being able to use a tray and I dont like your vets attitude at all.

Is there another vet that you could arrange to see today as an emergency becuase you dont want to lose the appt  tomorrow but I would want to know that my cat was getting the best possible care from a vet who cared about my cat.

If the vet is really concerned about your cats hips and knowing the state of the tail should I believe acted sooner and if not, explained clearly why he was not doing so.

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2007, 13:18:12 PM »
Feel so sorry that your vet has that attitude and I really do not want to cause you any more stress but do you think you would feel happier if you had a chat with another vet. Just feel I wish there was something that I could do to help. :hug:

Offline Lang

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2007, 13:15:32 PM »
I don't wish to be contentious, but the removal of the tail is a very big issue for a cat, and should only be done as a last resort.  If a workable tail can be saved, far better to keep it even if it involved prolonged healing.

Much of a cat's body language involves its tail, and much of the way it communicates with other cats is through positions and movements of its tail.

When I was young (rather a long time ago) our cat had a brush with a passing car, and damaged its tail.  In the end the tail had to be removed, and he only had a stump of about one inch left. 

One day not long afterwards I had to rescue him from a group of cats who had him trapped up a tree, and for weeks afterwards he had ferocious fights with the neighbourhood cats.  Fortunately he was able to assert himself and regain his position in the cat hierarchy, but it was clearly a difficult period for him.  I believe this was because he was unable to communicate with the other cats.  Glad to say he subsequently went on for many years and thoroughly enjoyed his life.  :)

But when it comes to medical decisions about a cat's tail, I think it's important to think of it as another limb, as important as a leg.

I hope all goes well tomorrow, and that the injuries are not as serious as they seem, and that soon your cat can be pain-free and healthy again.

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2007, 13:10:49 PM »
I'm pretty sure those are the drops she's on, we were given them Sunday, she has 4 in her food every morning.
But in all honesty it doesn't seem to do much for her she's still in so much pain with it and she seems to get worse as time goes on.
I did tell the vet that she's in a great deal of pain and the painkillers seem to be having no affect and she just said that she's not surprised cause it's a major injury
well hello liek I don't know that.  >:(
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2007, 13:06:31 PM »
They will do the xray whilst she is under anesthetic and make sure you tell them that they must contact you if anything untoward is found before doing any operation. Make sure they have a number where you can be contacted immediately.

Remember that this is your cat and you make the decisions on her treatment not them. They should give you the best advice and its up to you to decide whether to take it.

I am sure everything will go fine and wish that her name?..........the very best tomorrow  :hug: :hug:

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 12:57:08 PM »
I hope the vet gave your kit either an injection or medication for the pain. Archie was given Metacam drops to take at home until he had his op. Really feel for you as its unbearable to see them like that. If necessarywould there be another vet you could see in the area. I agree with Gill you should have got a date for the op. :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 12:55:28 PM »
Should be tomorro morning god today is going to drag so slowly.
They want to do x rays first as her hips don't look right :(

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2007, 12:51:56 PM »
Have you got an appointment for the operation to be done?

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2007, 12:50:26 PM »
Thankyou all

Bit upset as we took her in today and they didn't have any space to fit her in to do it today.
I didn't get charged for the appointment but thats not really the point.
I feel so stressed and it's horrible seeing her in so much pain.

She doesn't go far then has to lay down for quite a while.

I just want her to be better :(
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2007, 11:00:02 AM »
I'm so sorry. I agree with the others - have seen quite a few without tails who seem to be doing just fine. What horrible people in your village - is that common, really? People shooting at cats and setting their dogs on them? I hope she's better soon Gill.

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2007, 10:46:47 AM »
After reading the whole thread I remember the vet telling us to contact him if Archie had troulble going to the toilet. I agree with the others the sooner the tail is amputated the better, as it is serviing no purpose. :hug:

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2007, 00:23:28 AM »
I think so too - She will be over it in days and won't miss it - It sound like a hindrance to her at the moment, poor baby  :ahh:

A kitten I picked up yesterday had to have part of its tail removed today but will be going to the fosterers house tomorrow so it's quite minor healing wise. Not like organ surgery.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2007, 00:11:45 AM »
Thanks for posting that Gill. I think in this situation i would go back to the vet and have a chat with them about what to do next. I know i have not seen your cat but it must be very painful for her to be going in her litter tray and trying to go to the toilet with a tail that is more than likely broken. It would probably be best for her to have the tail removed in the next couple of days and then she can start her recovery. I know it may sound like a big procedure but she will feel so much more comfortable when that tail is removed.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 23:59:55 PM »
Heres is Furbabes storyfrom the other thread:

We've been trying to change my rescue furbabies habits, i'm sure I posted on here a while back that she was always insistent that she went out at night and had been doing this for months if she couldn't convince us by disturbing the the kids through the night she would dash out when someone was coming in or going out, we needed eyes in our backsides.

Anyway the last month or two she's been better at staying in at night, instead venturing out first thing and comign back at lunch time. Thursday morning last week I told her off when I got home from dropping the kids off as she was toying with a mouse right outside our front door, I know it's natural but my stomach was churning and I felt quite ill, she ended up running off with it no doubt to eat it  .
She came home a little later looking quite happy with herself and was pleased that I let her in the house minus the mousey (no way was I letting her in with it).
Anyway a few catnaps later I had just got littlen to bed and hubby arrived home, I didn't realise until the next day that she had darted through his legs as he came in and ignored his calls for her to come back.
Anyway Friday morning I said to him, did you let her out this morning? He said no she went out last night, I looked out the back and called out the front, she was nowhere to be seen.
hubby said she'd be about, probably found another mouse, seem to be lots about now.
So I dismissed it - I shouldn't have.
Come Saturday monring still no sign of her, was beginning to really panic but had alreayd arranged to take kids out for the day, my dad was round when I got home and he'd not seen her either, so I trundled off down the road with middle son in tow and we called and called her, looked down a footpath that she doesn't normally go down but I felt I should check it???
We heard meowing ......
Then there she was coming out of the bushes I didn't know whether to scold her for nearly giving me a heartache worrying or scoop her up and cuddle her.

I didn't notice it at the time as I was just so pleased to see her but thinking back she didn't come trotting out of the bushes as she would normally.
As I scooped her up under my arm she meowed, I thought she was just saying oi I wasn't ready to go home but as I adjusted my grip on her to support her bum
she cried out hissed and tried to put teeth marks in my hand
VERY ODD she's normally so placid and soppy you can cradle her like a baby and she'll just let you get on with it.
Less than 50 yards from the house I was havign to part scruff and part carry her home.

She'd been hit by a car apparently and may have to lose her tail  :'(

Poor little girl is still in a great amount of pain but she's had her pain medication for today, she's as happy as I can make her upstairs in our en suite, laying under the radiator, she has all she needs up there and has access to our bedroom an should she need more peace as I know hubby after a night shift can snore, i've propped a wardrobe door open and she can get in there wander along to the end and use some objects i've put in as steps to lay on a box in there.

Everything in me yesterday wanted to scream at the vet 'can you not do anymore for her' as if you could see her it'd prob break your heart. She used her tray this morning and it's obviously uncomfortable for her to go to the toilet and to add insult to injury - she can't lift her tail out of the way.

I'm hoping that she will want to stay in most of the time now, however I also understand how hard it can be to stop a cat from getting out of the house if they're determined to.
Our little girl was a rescue cat whose owners had allowed her to roam, never took her to the vets for anything and when she came home and they discovered she was pregnant like bad parents they dumped her with kittens at a rescue centre.
She has always been very placid and settled in here wonderfully, we've never had any problems with her and she adores my children, especially littlen. She never roams too far unless she follows us to the park at the bottom of the road, but she will jsut lay and watch the kids play and then follow us home.

My gut feeling about what happened goes like this:

She's never really hunted much until recently and we've had rats and mice brought back regularly in the last 2 weeks and this is in the daytime.
When she got out I think she must have gone hunting, there are a few idiots who drive round here in the evening and at night time like they're on a race track and the combination of her focused on catching something and the idiots probably meant she got caught out by one of the cars.
Why she didn't come home I don't know as it's only a few yards up the road and she could have sheltered in bushes til she saw us. But I think it happened on the Thursday night or she'd have been home Friday morning.

It's great if your cat doesn't want to go out if thats the case please don't force them as this sort of thing does happen, if you can get them in or try and change they're habits if they regularly go out at night particularly if you live on a busy estate or near a main road.
It's so upsetting to see her in this state as she's a real treasure.

I think cat lovers are few and far between nowadays. In this village lots of cats have been shot at out near the fields, and had dogs set on them. I really don't know whats wrong with people who would intentionally go out and hurt any animal.
It's bad enough when its an accident

Look after your furbabies as best you can

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 23:55:56 PM »
I will copy the story for you  :hug: :hug:

If you are not happy with the situation it maybe a good idea to get a second opinion fron another vet but tails are delicate cos the whole of the cats nervous system will run down from its brain, down spine and to tail. It very important that the vet makes right decision in quick time I suspect.

Going to find the story and will paste across for you.

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 23:51:59 PM »
I`m so sorry to hear about your cat. It`s important to keep an eye on her to make sure she is going to the toilet, both wee and poo, as sometimes these functions can suffer following a car accident. It may well be a good idea to see if the vet could amputate her tail as soon as they can as once this is done she will be a lot better. Good luck with her at the vets.

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2007, 20:46:37 PM »
Hello Furbabies, I have a feeling that I told you briefly about Archie's tail. Perhaps if Itell you a bit more it will give you hope. Archie rushed into the house in April with the lower part of his tail just hanging like your poor kit. We rushed him to the vet who gave him painkillers. We were told tobring him back in nearly a week to see if his tail would heal, which he doubted. It did not heal and he had no feeling so the vet advised amputation otherwise it would keep getting caught in things as he had lost the feeling. He is absolutly fine now and his stump is no trouble at all. His balance is perfect and he still wags his stump. The vet thinks that Archie got his tail stuck somewhere by the way. :hug:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 19:48:28 PM »
Sorry I don't know how to copy poor Furbabies story on here :(

The swelling has gone down but she has no feeling at all in the bottom 2 - 3 inches of her tail. The base of her tail is incredibly painful despite the painkillers she's on, altho she obviously has feeling there I don't know if there's nerve damage as she can't lift or move her tail at all, it just hangs.
But what does concern me is that the vet reckoned there was nothing wrong with her hips? but it doesn't look right and although she can walk she's not walking properly on her back legs and can't do much walking before she needs to rest.
Her hip and lower back area is very painful too in fact if you try to touch this area she attempts to bite or claw you.
Her wound is still oozing a little bit but she won't let me look.

I'm taking hubby tomorrow when we go back to the vets.

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline lucy

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2007, 13:51:11 PM »
So sorry, hope she feels better soon.  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2007, 12:59:43 PM »
No it was not about pinching the thread its just to get this onto a thread of its own and think you need to copy and paste whats happened and how bad her tail is.

I will move this to the health section for you too.

We have others on here who have cats who have hurt their tails badly and this is something that can happen to the thing that sticks out and can also get easlity trodden on so of interest to all who have cats.

I hope the vet can give her some help and she should be on some pain meds at least I would have thought.

Offline furbabies

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Poor Furbaby hit by a car
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2007, 12:49:44 PM »
Think i've said it all in the other topic about cats out at night, so not sure what else there will be to say til we see the vets Wednesday sorry for pinching your thread
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl


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