Author Topic: Phone calls galore  (Read 3600 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Phone calls galore
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 18:55:38 PM »
And only one asking if we had kittens, the rest were all people wanting us to take cats on!! IRonically, one of the women I met on hol said 'doesn't it make you want to take them all home' when we were looking at one of the hotel cats - I said no, cos I have enough stray cats in the house, and I could have had 3 since getting back on Wed night, plus the one I had already agreed to take on before the hol. 2 are strays, one unneutered, one she doesnt know the sex (so hopefully she will take it to the vets to check for a chip and they will tell her), and the last one was a bloke who wanted 'rid' of his cat so they could move, they couldnt' possibly take him, as he is used to going outside and would go mad - turns out said cat is unneutered!! When I asked if he could get him done while we waited for some space, he said he was unsure of spending money on something he wasn't keeping - ironic part is the cat is vaccinated.
Please spay your cat


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