Author Topic: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?  (Read 4439 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2007, 23:04:45 PM »
thank you  :hug: sssssssss

vicious SMMum's off to getta da lactulose for the sleeping beauty now  :shocked:  did you see the sun's going to disappear again from tomorrow. I need to find a sun lamp to shine a sleepable puddle on the floor for my little one.  Colder weather = his snorting and globbing (noise made when swallowing) are so much worse.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2007, 22:50:49 PM »
Glad that his bloods werent' too bad, and fingers crossed for the AB's and supplements.
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2007, 18:22:57 PM »
Lots of cuddles and strokes to Swampy and also to his Mum  :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2007, 15:54:33 PM »
just had Swamp's bloods back and generally they've not changed much since early August despite his change in behaviour: urea 10.6 and creatinine 180. Phosphate 1.5 (Mr Green Man's pleased with this one). Eosynophils and neutrophils quite raised though so he's on antibiotics as his immune system is fighting something hard -maybe his snorting. Anyhow had a good discussion and he agrees that we'll treat with diet and if he can't tolerate Fortekor, so be it. He thinks sub Qs eventually and says they are the best thing next to Fortekor and would teach me how. (terrifying thought). He's given me vitamin B complex tabs to see if it perks up the Swampcat and potassium powder for feeble days.
but.....Swampy played for one minute 2 nights ago - ears back and had a paw bat with the Max. SMMum ridiculously happy  ;D
Green Man does think my furry love has neuro damage though, but hopes that the vit B will help him out. SMMum is going to have some of Swamp's vit B too methinks  :shify:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 21:48:43 PM »
Well at least you know its nothing serious and maybe he doesnt like the change in weather or just wants a slighter quieter and slower life now  :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 17:32:14 PM »
We are back from the vet, but with no solutions. Swampy was uncooperative in letting him look into his eyes! He didn't take his temp or bp but checked his heart murmur which apparently was quiet today. Swamp's a bit lighter and so it's back to monitoring him and going back if Swamp's distressed or clearly ill/not eating. Bloods were done in mid August before the trip so he thinks to wait a bit. The vet thinks although it's very sudden, it could be age related neuro changes. Told me about some dog pills that increase the blood to the brain that we could think of using if Swampy is getting very unhappy with being unresponsive.  I don't regret taking him for a brief check-up but none the wiser. Swampcat came home, noshed well, then didn't react when Max did his tunneling under the blanket thing that normally means he'd go and bat Max on the head. However he can see ok, as took evasive action when the vet aimed a pen gently at his nose. zzzzzzzzzing now then until the next mealtime.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2007, 12:38:46 PM »
I think it sounds a bit more than aging sadly and from your post about the car trip, I think he enjoyed himself so dont blame that.

We know that Swampy has been ill for sometime and sometimes there come a point when the even keel they were on suddenly starts to tip.

Kocka was ill for a long time and was such a determined fighter for her life that I always felt that inspite of everything she wanted to live but although her body had been run down for years, suddenly she was tired and  failing  :'(

I hope you are gonna start a birthday thread for Swampy and agree with you. I hope Swampy has many years ahead and the vet can give him a helping hand to better health.  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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modified the topic title. hope I did it right (that would be a first) - sorry. Hmm, no seems to have changed on here but not on the forum thread title. I give up :)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 12:31:49 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2007, 12:29:05 PM »
thanks again Gill. I don't want to take him tomorrow cos it's his birthday and that seems really unfair! He's eating ok but yet again this morning, our usual game of 'kitaerobics' in a patch of sun on the bed just caused purrs, no reaction - until a month or so ago he'd have had a good bunnykick at my hand. Max is getting a bit upset as there are no more kitty fights. When I pick him up now, he likes it but really clings on with his claws. Last night he negotiated a move from OH's lap to mine very gingerly and had to have some help.  Can ageing really be this dramatically sudden?
My vet will just say so but lots more elderly cat experts on here.  Poor lamb - I may do bloods once the birthday boy has had his chicken. It's really upsetting.  I wonder if that long car trip wasn't too much for him, although he was just fine during it and fine when he was in France.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2007, 18:39:02 PM »
sorry i dont know about this but a cat with health probs may stop feeling up to doing all the old things and may just like to laze away more time......a bit like human..................but maybe a check up will be a good idea if it does stress him too much.

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2007, 15:48:28 PM »
cats do age quickly once they start, but at 16 I would not be expecting that. It is usually when they get around 20+ that you see that sort of rapid decline. Have you had a blood profile done at the ver? that can sometimes turn up less obvious reasons for a decline in energy and joi de vivre, which sounds like what is going on there ...

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2007, 15:39:19 PM »
thanks, yes I will. Will have to buy new scales as the old ones have given up the ghost -  OH says someone too large stood on them :)

In the last 3 weeks, Swampy's stopped playing. I mean if you wave his favourite toys under his nose (the plastic binding from a huge container of aqueous cream!) he always used to attack it with his paws and mouth, now he just purrs. Also if you tickle his tum he no longer rabbit kicks, just purrs. Very little activity too.
In Sept on holiday he played with Max (play fights) every day, plus in the car on the way back he came out of his travel box and walked all over the dashboard etc.  His 16th birthday's on tuesday. Can a cat just 'age' so quickly and go from being playful a month ago to being not interested in engaging with us playfully any more (or with Max)? He sleeps, eats and comes for love and purrs all the time.  I don't know if he's not 100% so is feeling lethargic or has just suddenly got "old". I can't ask the vet as he'll just say he's old.
thanks for the advice and support  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2007, 21:26:40 PM »
I think if he continues to lose weight it will be a bad sign but wouldnt worry just yet, keep the weight montored though  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2007, 09:59:35 AM »
thanks Gill I think you're right. Anyhow it was the breakfast that rapidly reappeared on the carpet this morning, plus last night's poo tray visit was not a 'fragrant' one  :sick: so his tum's not right. It's not just his cold. However his breathing's very snorty and when he swallows (not just food I mean) he goes glob, so there must be so much snot going down. Apparently all the decongestants are bad for liver and/or kidneys, which is such a shame.
Is 200g a lot to lose or not really? On 30 Sept he weighed 4.9 and is now 4.7ish.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2007, 17:23:43 PM »
Along with his other food , I dont think fresh chicken in small amounts would cause a problem.

I think you have to decide whether a vet visit is in order cos you know him so well but unless you think its very urgent, I would be tempted not to upset him  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 09:28:32 AM »
got quite a bit down him, but have noticed that his overgrooming is getting worse on his leg. I've seen him pulling his hair out and tried to stop him. Plus he is 200g lighter than his normal, stable weight (that's 4.8 kgs; he's now at 4.6kgs). His 16th birthday is next tuesday and I've only ever had one old cat before who lost weight gradually, then stabilised at a lower weight.
Ok he has vomited for a few days in a row at lunchtime, but he's made up for it. I don't know if RCR chicken is quite low in calories as he gets just under 1/2 can i/d (which I think has decent calories) over 2-3 breakfasts and then a blended pouch of RCR a day. In any case, he won't eat any more than that, unless I give him some fresh chicken! Is that bad for him?

I know lots of you have had older cats with progressive kidney problems. I am planning to take another urine sample down to the vets to see if it's any worse. His coat however is ok and apart from his cold, he is not playing quite as much as a month ago but is full of love and purrs. I thought the cold, sleepiness and lack of activity could be due to the darker, colder weather.
Do you think I should wait a week and see? I'm reluctant to put him through yet more blood tests at the minute.
Sorry, I know I am neurotic but he's my little old best friend in the world and I am tuned in to any changes.  Purrs from my little brown one and his mum.  :hug:
PS the Max is eating like a pig at the moment as he's decided Hills k/d minced chicken is the business - won't last but be thankful for small furry mercies!!  :Crazy:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 18:52:09 PM »
thanks peeps, yes I just did both of those and he's kept down a small blob (the RCR is scientifically measured in terms of S, M or L blobs  ;)) although he did stop eating and sit behind the chair refusing to purr for a few mins so it was touch and go.
I've added another phone book so it's almost up at head height now. It is nosh that he laps up as he doesn't do chunks. Nor does he like it if it's not liquid-blended. While I was away (ok only 4 lunch times over 3 days) he gobbled like a hungry angel and didn't chuck up once.
2 M -L blobs to go today at least then and hopefully will stay in tum and no  :P. Poor lamb, I'm sure it's his cold but yup, he does eat it quite fast. It's a bit like a healthyfood milkshake :)

asked this before: WHO has changed the script so when you type ch***late it appears as "healthyfood" ?  :rofl:
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 18:54:19 PM by swampmaxmum »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 18:39:36 PM »
Only thing I can think of is feeding him very small amounts often, so that he is not eating too fast and maybe it will start to settle before he has the next small amount.

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Re: How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 16:24:42 PM »
Have you tried Slippery Elm Bark?

I got some capsules in Holland & Barrett. You just sprinkle some on the food and it lines the stomach. Even Clapton ate it quite happily.

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Offline swampmaxmum

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How to stop Swampcat bringing up his lunch?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 16:01:58 PM »
Has anyone got any bright ideas cos I'm right out of them. Swampy is eating well but he's vomiting up his lunch about 15 mins after eating it (breakfast and supper so far ok....). It's his first go of RC renal Chicken pouch - blended - a day as he has i/d for breakfast. He loves the RC Renal chicken unless it's a non-runny pouch. I already put his plate on 2 yellow pages so that his head's up a bit. He eats it all, asks for more, then wanders off, then starts to look a bit green (he purrs after eating if he's fine, but doesn't if he's feeling a bit off colour after noshing) but if he jumps on a chair or walks upstairs, up it comes. I've taken away the water bowl for 15 mins after nosh time as I know that if he drinks straight after eating, whoops.
He doesn't like vomiting his food and is quite tricky and nervy for the next 2 meals (ie until late at night). Of course he didn't do this last week while I was away, but started again when I got back!
I *think* it has something to do with swallowing yuk from his constant cold. I'm not sure what to do. If he doesn't keep his lunch down, it means I have to try to feed him at least 3-4 more times a day in little bits. Any ideas very welcome. Thanks!


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