I agree with you Milly's Mum men eh!
No Sheryl haven't tried Lacto B,
Just spent £95 in the vets
well we owe the vets that
The vets did some blood tests,more antibiotics
and some Royal Canin Sensitivity food to try him on, should gets the results in a couple of days. The food is expensive before I said to her I might get some food myself she had already got some.She said we could only get it from the vets
sure I have seen it in jolly's.If not do any of you know where I can get it from cheaper,unless I try a different one.(but don't want to mix his food up to much. Sheryl with the Lacto B can you use it with the sensitivity food or you just use it with the normal food?She also said being fed tuna when he was younger could of coursed something with all this going on
the breeder we got him from may have done this to him.