Oh no sorry to hear Milly has escaped;
Here are a few things to try:
Posters, Posters, Posters with picture and details with contact number.....hand out to neighbours and anyone you see. Put up in local shops, pubs and supermarkets. Stick to all local lamp posts. (If it rains go and collect them and replace - the neighbours and council don’t mind you putting them up so much that way). Also put one in your and friends cars – it’s amazing how many people see them this way. Make smaller flyers and push through every letterbox on your streets and the surrounding area. Remember you can never have too many posters out there! It is also a good idea to offer a Reward … of course this doesn’t have to be money, a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers is just as good.2. Knock on doors and ask neighbours to check their sheds and garages WHILE YOU WAIT … it's surprising how many people say they will check but as soon as the door is closed they forget. It is recommended to knock on 10 doors either side of your house on both sides of the street.
3. Register him lost at all vets/catteries/rescue homes within a 20mile radius (remember to keep a record of everyone you contact) follow the link and clink on the map to find local rescues in your area:
http://www.catchat.org/adoption/index.html4. Leave food out and a toy of his
5. Leave out an unwashed item of your clothing
6. Put the contents of your hoover bag on your garden - it’s full of smells that they will recognise and if it doesn’t bring him directly to your door will at least hopefully keep him in the area. Alternatively if you have a litter tray that has used put some of the used litter on the garden as this will have familiar smells in it.
7. Contact the local fire brigade and see if they have had to rescue any stuck cats
8. Ask the local children to look - they are great for knowing all the local hidey-holes and love helping. Also have a word with your local post-person and milk man if there is one that delivers in your area.
9. Ask the local radio station to announce he’s missing and give out a contact number
10. Put an advert in the local paper
11. Contact your local environmental services dept (bin men) they keep a log of all animals picked on the roadside ... I know this is not a pleasant call to make and hopefully it will come back as negative.
12. Go out after dark when it is quieter with a friend / partner and walk round the local area gently calling every so often (give him a chance to answer you). Keep talking as you walk round that way if he is in the area he will hear you.