Author Topic: Naughty cat!  (Read 2708 times)

Offline Lisa

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2006, 08:44:39 AM »
oh bless thats so sweet
Had a look round last night, the only place i didnt look for her was in hubby gym bag, which had a nice big fluffy towel in. looking like an option for her hiding place  ;D

Offline Fiona2

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 19:48:53 PM »
A few years ago we had a stray who adopted us to have her kittens, we were living in a rented flat at the time and the landlord was none too pleased, however when they were a few weeks old and beginning to climb and explore we returned home one day to an empty flat, we searched high and low without a sign, thinking the worst of the landlord I was just about ready to commit murder when I heard a laugh from OH and he called me into the kitchen, he was standing by the kitchen sink but there was still no sign of kittens, then he pulled out the drawer in the kitchen unit that we kept tea towels in and there they were cuddled up together sleepy and bleary eyed looking up at us as if to say 'why d'you wake us', they had crawled into the sink unit from underneath and up the back and into the drawer.  :evillaugh: bless em!

Offline Lisa

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 12:27:01 PM »
I love the old lady story  :)
I'm going to hunt about later and see if i can find anywhere with lots of white hairs on it, although i think it will always remain a mystery lol ;)

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 11:28:54 AM »
she wouldnt apologise either, she couldnt see that she did anything wrong

Why would she?  As there are no naughty cats.

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 11:25:36 AM »
When Amber first moved in I lost her frequently but living in a flat I knew she had no where to go. I finally found her hiding place by accident. I wanted a jumper from one of the drawers under the bed, opened it and there was Amber snuggled down in a furry nest of my clothes  :Crazy: The little  :censored:had ripped the side of the bed open under the valance and spent all day in there.

Offline Ela

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 10:12:23 AM »
An old lady phoned to say she had lost the cat she adopted a few days before, she was heartbroken, One of the fosterer's went to the house to help search, however no cat could be found. So it was decided that a major cat hunt would start next day and the old lady went off to bed. She couldn't sleep so in the early hours of the morning went Den to make a cup of tea, , thinking she could still do with some rest but to upset to go to bed she sat in her reclining chair and as the stool came out so did the cat.

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Re: Naughty cat!
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 09:09:05 AM »
 :rofl: one of my fosters did that on a regular basis.

Key suspects for hiding places (although I NEVER found out where Misty was going): on top of the wardrobe, UNDER the wardrobe, under the duvet, down the back of the chest of drawers.

Glad she's OK and hope your adrenaline levels return to normal soon  :innocent:
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Offline Lisa

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Naughty cat!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 09:05:00 AM »
Both my cats are outdoor cats (in the loosest sense of the term, ie. garden, fence, next door's garden, next door but one if they are feeling adventorous) and for the last couple of months the longest they have been out is 10-15 minutes tops. I can count on one hand the number of times in the last few years that they haven't come in when shouted straight away.
So last night, i realised that i hadnt seen Cleo for a couple of hours  :scared: so had a quick scout round her usual haunts (bed, under bed, wardrobe, ironing basket etc etc) nothing. After a while i started to panic, so me and hubs searched everywhere. nothing again. shouted her a  few times just in the garden, and nothing again. i was panicking by this point, and searched everywhere yet again. she was nowhere to be seen so deduced she must be outside, and the length of time she must have must have been out meant i was majorly panicking. so i got changed out of my pyjamas, got my trainers on, box of treats, ready to hit the streets.  :(
Just got to the bottom of the garden when hubs shouted me saying she had just strolled downstairs. how on earth did she manage that? i searched EVERYWHERE and its not a big house. has she got an invisibility cloak or what??!!
she wouldnt apologise either, she couldnt see that she did anything wrong  :innocent:


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