Ok i've had Ralph 3 weeks now and today he managed to sneak outside when i went outside. The rescue centre i got him from said as he was a stray i should try keeping him in for 6-8 weeks so i went into panic mode!!! I spent an hour outside calling him ,shaking biscuits, even took Da bird out and he played with it but as soon as i went near him he ran off. Luckily some neighbours were home so they let me in their back gardens. Anyway after an hour i gave up and went indoors, 10 mins later he was sat on the doorstep so i let him in!!
The little monkey paniced me so much, i know i probably over reacted. I'm off work in 2 weeks and was planning to let him out then, any tips on how to introduce him to the big wide world so he actually comes home. Although after today i think he knows his way round!!
What worried me most was that when i went near him he backed off, does he not know me properly yet or was he just scared being out?
He's sat scoffing some food at the mo as if nothing happened!