Author Topic: New cat escaped!!!  (Read 1843 times)

Offline tez2384

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2007, 17:23:17 PM »
ive never noticed kitty out the front yet! but we live in a bungalow n she likes to go up on the roof  :rofl:

Offline jetcleo

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2007, 17:17:05 PM »
Yes Jet is a regular wandering out the front of the house.  Luckily it's a really quiet street anyway but Jet climbs onto the garage roof and onto the fronts, the back garden is pretty cat proof except the garage.  Might try the biscuit trick to recall him!!

Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline Ralph's mum (angie)

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2007, 16:52:41 PM »
Max done the same thing with me when we got him, we were adviced to keep him in 6/8 weeks before letting him out

Max decided that was to long for him after two weeks he jumped out the bedroom window and by the time I got down stairs and  opened the front door, he strutted past me with his 'stupid woman slave' look on his face.  :innocent:

As for not going out the front door, I always discourage Max going out this way, his catflap is in the back door that takes him to 'mouse world', anyway OH left early the other week to go to work and who should he drive past at the start of the estate, only the bold Max.  He called ( OH not Max) me so I looked out the window and when I saw him I called him, he came running up to me with his 'stupid woman slave' look on his wee face, so if they want to go wandering round the front door they will, whether you find out about it is another story  :rofl:
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2007, 16:36:23 PM »
It wont take long for you to create recall with him, mine know the pop of the biscuit tin  ;D

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2007, 08:03:37 AM »
If he doesn' come to you when you call his name, maybe use something like the biscuit box, or something that he will associate with you before you start letting him out.
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Offline jetcleo

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2007, 07:04:10 AM »
I have a conservatory at the back of my house covering the back door so the only place i could put a cat flap pwas onto the garage door.  The garage has been turned into a cat room anyway as they've got so much in there - bedding, food,water, toys!!  When i get more settled into the house i'm going to have a cat flap put into the conservatory door!
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline jetcleo

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2007, 07:01:37 AM »
Yes in a couple of weeks time i was hoping to let him out on a permanent basis as i'm off work so can get him used to his cat flap, etc.  The only worry i have is that when i call him (outside or in the house) he doesn't come to me and doesn't even acknowledge that he's heard me.  I'm not sure whether he has a slight hearing problem or just doesn't know his name properly yet.

When he got out yesterday he headed straight for Cleo and chased her off, she ran away and he followed.  I'm just such a worrier.
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline tez2384

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2007, 23:49:57 PM »
when i rescued kitty (2-3months ago now) i was told to keep her in for 2 weeks,

I had been takin her out on a collar and lead in the garden but was still so worried about letting her out so i let her out and called her 10 mins later and she come straight back in,

She now goes in and out threw the catflap as much as she wants but comes in if i go out coz if not she wonders where i am and she also comes in at night,

All i have to do is call her name and shake some biscuits,
I only ever let her out the back door though as out the front she would soon find her way to the road and id always be worrying.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2007, 21:15:57 PM »
Sounds like he did not want you to bring him in and he loves being outside.

He obviously also likes his creature comforts inside.

You need a cat flap so he can get back in by himself cos this is very important so he can access his creature comforts when ever he wants, that will make him feel more secure and not feel he has to go out and when he does he knows he cant get in.

Cats also have to learn how to use one which can take a while, so the sooner the better  ;D

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2007, 20:52:48 PM »
You said in 2 weeks you were planning on letting him out .... does this mean he will be outside all day?

With regards to getting them back in I have always found that food is a great motivator .... don't feed him before he goes out that way he is more likely to come home. 

With Zephyr I often have to use sneaky tactics .... he knows that the rustle of a paper bag in the fridge means ... BEEF ... if he is being naughty and not coming in I just open the fridge door and rustle a bag and he rushes in (even if there isn't any beef on offer!  ;) )  If you can get Ralph to come to a certain sound .... you will stand a better chance of getting him to come in.
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Offline blackcat

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2007, 20:48:02 PM »
yes i have a special built-in cat deterrent. Esther found the back door open the other day when the latch failed to engage and took herself out for a cautious look around. But Shadow was in the back garden and came bounding down to greet her!! She was back inside as quick as you please ;D Both she and Smidgen are looking forward to discovering the great outdoors - I know - they tell me so every time I open the back door! Fortunately the front door does not elicit such enthusiasm which is a good thing ...

Offline jetcleo

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2007, 20:16:49 PM »
I really hope so he's sat next to me on the sofa asleep so he must like me a bit!!  :rofl:
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline berties mum

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Re: New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 20:06:09 PM »
The backing off might just be that he was having fun outdoors and didn't want you to grab him and take him inside - Minnie sometimes runs away from me when we disagree about whether she's coming in or staying out!

Offline jetcleo

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New cat escaped!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 20:04:07 PM »
Ok i've had Ralph 3 weeks now and today he managed to sneak outside when i went outside.  The rescue centre i got him from said as he was a stray i should try keeping him in for 6-8 weeks so i went into panic mode!!!  I spent an hour outside calling him ,shaking biscuits, even took Da bird out and he played with it but as soon as i went near him he ran off.  Luckily some neighbours were home so they let me in their back gardens.  Anyway after an hour i gave up and went indoors, 10 mins later he was sat on the doorstep so i let him in!!

The little monkey paniced me so much, i know i probably over reacted.  I'm off work in 2 weeks and was planning to let him out then, any tips on how to introduce him to the big wide world so he actually comes home.  Although after today i think he knows his way round!!

What worried me most was that when i went near him he backed off, does he not know me properly yet or was he just scared being out?

He's sat scoffing some food at the mo as if nothing happened!   :evillaugh:
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x


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