some time ago I introduce Mrs Moggs to Felix As good As It Looks. she loves it an wont eat anything else. Most cat food she just licks off the gravy or jelly and wont eat the meat, but with the Felix G.A.I.L. she eats every scrap, clean bowl everytime. the problem is the price. It is £3.89 (ish) for 12 pouches and she has 2 x 12 per week =£7.78 plus dried bics. this is OK for me at the mo as she is the only cat.
However, in approx 12 days there will be two more, Ruby and Peach 8 week old kittens. so if I carry on with the Felix I am talking about £23.34 + per week for 3 adult cats in time.
My problem is this, I want to introduce the kittens to a well known stores own brand which is considerably cheaper, I am sure they will be OK as my friends cats all thrive on this. BUT, if Mrs Moggs is still eating the 'good stuff' then the kits will naturally want some too and will probably then turn their noses up at anything less.
Have any of you any ideas for feeding 1 adult (fusspot) and 2 kittens so that eventually we are all in a win-win situation?
The easiest answer is don't get the babies, but I am so looking forward to them coming, Ruby is for me and Peach is my daughters. Of course she will help out with the feeding and care costs but it is still allot of money to spend from a small income on cat food.
Ruby (SH tortie) and Peach(SH tabby) are litter sisters and are moggski kits MM is a cross of two pedigree breeds, I know this doesn't really matter but it may be helpful