I had a phone call off Sean on Thursday asking if I would help in finding a home for 2 oldies. A guy had been into the vets and said he was working away and there was no one to look after his 2 cats. He's had them about 10 years and got them from a rescue as adult cats so they are between 10 and 15 years old. He was moving away today and his plan was if he couldn't get anyone to take them, he was going to leave a mound of food outside his house and his daughter was going to come over once or twice a week to feed them

Of course, I couldn't leave them so ended up picking them up last night. My friend said she'll take them in about 3 weeks if I've still got them but they will still be in a rescue so a home will still need to be found. Charlotte is a gorgeous Tortie and extremely loving, her owner mentioned she was having problems eating and he had to chop her food up for her. After picking her up, I took her straight to the vets for a check up and she has a Melanoma in her mouth.........she is now booked in on Wednesday for an op as Trevor said it needed to come out

She also has some tartar on her teeth, these will be cleaned on Wednesday when she goes in for her op. Jasper is a tabby/white, very laid back and appears to be in good health. He's had about 3 rta's over the years but doesn't seem to have any problems. They will be looking for a home together where they can have access to a safe environment outdoors as they are used to going out. They will be vaccinated and microchipped and any health issues will be sorted before they are rehomed. If you think you may be interested in this gorgeous pair, you can either pm me or send me an email. I will take some piccies when I get chance and post them.