Silly of me to ask permission, but I'm new at posting vids and didn't want to tread on toes; I assumed that permission would be given as it was in their interests.
Pinkbear, while I was still annoyed I sent another, irate, email to Karen, telling her that I thought 'the committee' were being very petty, especially as the video is promoting feral welfare. I said a few other polite but irritated words, then spent about 3hrs trying to re-edit the video.
The re-editing was a nightmare because I couldn't uncouple the images from the music. If I deleted the music, I deleted the images and vice versa. Eventually, I worked out that if I muted, rather than deleted the music, I could re-jig the images and import the music again. I was tearing my hair out, especially as I couldn't see any good reason for doing this in the first place!
After I'd managed to cobble together a revised copy, I deleted the original from youtube and uploaded the new version. This has put the 'viewing figures' back to zero, and I've lost one 5 star rating and favourite. This puts the video back to the beginning, making it less likely to be seen.
I gave the cats a cuddle and checked my email again. This is what I found. AAAAaaaaarrrrrgh!!!!!
I'm sorry this has caused you upset. Some of the committee were fine about your request and others took a very firm stance about protecting our images from publication. I will not go into huge detail about why the decision went against use, except to say we have been "one bitten - twice shy" over the use of our material in the past and this understandably affects how decisions are arrived at. We see huge amounts of misinformation about feral cats put out every day and as we cannot vouch for what people will do with it, we just have a policy of never allowing use. However, when I received your email I did forward it to the EC for them to consider, and the rest you know.
After they watched your video, most of them came back to me and said it was fine and certainly gave out a positive message regarding feral cats, so leave it as it is, as it seems it will be so difficult to alter it.
In the last email posted below, Ms Stevenson says that she has watched the video, but still wants the images removed.
A day wasted due to CAT 77 being bound by bureaucrats! I wonder if they have time to care for any cats? They seem to spend all their time in 'committee'!
I've put a note with the new video saying that CAT 77, a feral cat welfare group, had objected to the use of two of their images, hence the revised version.
Pinkbear, I'm sure Karen is a nice person when not bound by that dreadful 'committee'!