I was looking through Ron's lost & found site and I was amazed how many cats have gone missing in and around Brighton this year.
I was suddenly struck with the thought that many of these cats may have been found and pts by RSPCA PDSA or CPS or local vets.
Do any of these bodies take a picture of those strays they pts ? If they did it would give some distraught pet owners some closure at least. I know that lots of cats are taken in by neighbours some leave the area some die and are never found, many are rta's and some may be picked up by people and we don't want to think about what happens to them. Some must be pts by the above charities
I wonder if it would be possible to start a national register to record cats pts by registered bodies ? I would volunteer to help create a site and collect and collate info in my area . If we all help we should be able to cover the country.