Author Topic: Your cats favorite things to do?  (Read 3286 times)

Offline furbabies

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2007, 09:03:45 AM »
:rofl: i know what you mean when gimley climbs on the worktop trying to find the treats its a case of no i didnt do nothing honest i'm a good boy or dang foiled my plan again women when will she learn to keep out of my master plan,
Phoenix gives the look that says it cant of been my im to pretty to be naughty,
or feed me now it takes food to look this good dont you no

 :rofl: aren't they all so funny.

Lol Merlin's new thing is if i'm laying on my bed watching tv in the evening he'll lay across my legs or on my back - as if to say if you think your getting away when I doze off you got another thing coming lol
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline furballmom

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2007, 23:37:36 PM »
 :rofl: i know what you mean when gimley climbs on the worktop trying to find the treats its a case of no i didnt do nothing honest i'm a good boy or dang foiled my plan again women when will she learn to keep out of my master plan,
Phoenix gives the look that says it cant of been my im to pretty to be naughty,
or feed me now it takes food to look this good dont you no

Offline furbabies

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2007, 21:25:46 PM »
The looks I get off in particular Missy are so amusign sometimes.
When my mum last brought her dog here Missy looked at me as if to say
'oh good lord please tell me that THING isn't stoping here, I won't have it
I won't - oh I need to go and lay down'
Or when she jumps up onto the utility room worktop and looks round then looks at me
as if to say
'5 star service my a**e, and where is my food???? I'll have to complain about this you know'
Or when Littlen was a bit younger
'good heavens does that thing have a meow mute switch, as you had him you won't mind if I go out
and leave you to it'
When Missy comes in from having been wandering out
'Hello yes yes it;s me i'm back now now I know your excited but please mind the tail, no no yes I love you too
meow it's good to be famous'
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline furballmom

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2007, 21:18:40 PM »
thats os true he always tilts his head to the side as if to say put it back please and stares at you till it magically appears where he dropped it  :rofl:

Offline furbabies

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2007, 20:53:30 PM »
i forgot to add
Gimley likes
knocking pens cutlery or lighters of the table if you pick them up he looks where they were with a look saying where did that go

Or the look says 'did I say you could move that  :shify: bl**dy humans'   :rofl:

RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

Offline furballmom

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2007, 14:32:34 PM »
i forgot to add
Gimley likes
knocking pens cutlery or lighters of the table if you pick them up he looks where they were with a look saying where did that go

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2007, 13:48:31 PM »
Letty likes
Mosquitoes (!!)
Tunnelling under the rug
Tummy tickles
Suckling off the corner of me nightie
Shouting at birdies out the upstairs window

Daffy likes
Snuggles under the duvet
Drinking from a dripping tap
'Helping' me do cross-stitch
Licking my hands

Ollie likes
Sleeping on the sofa
Sucking on catnip teabags
Head rubbies
Chin rubbies
Cuddles. Sometimes. Maybe.
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2007, 13:46:36 PM »
Lexy likes in no particular order..

Clawing fingers
Talking to the birds in the tree outside
Listening to the voices that tell her that running around at 4am chasing invisible mice, onto her mother's head and off again, waking everyone in the ok
Killing da Bird
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 13:59:33 PM by Kittybabe (Ruth) »

Offline furbabies

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2007, 13:41:04 PM »
If its oddness your after furbabies then i should only need to give you one example......When i got Baz i only had a dog and Baz being very big and boisterous played with the dog as his pal.....well since his maturity (he is neutered btw) he fancies the dog (putting it politely  :shy:)

Its a sore sight watching a cat pin a dog to the floor by the back of his neck etc!  :Crazy:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wasn't looking for weirdness exactly but thats hysterical loll poor doggy :(

Using the litter tray within 30 seconds of me changing it!

Why do they do that??????????????? It's like they say OH thank god it's clean i'll have to christen it lol
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2007, 13:37:50 PM »
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and I thought I had problems!!!

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2007, 13:19:32 PM »
If its oddness your after furbabies then i should only need to give you one example......When i got Baz i only had a dog and Baz being very big and boisterous played with the dog as his pal.....well since his maturity (he is neutered btw) he fancies the dog (putting it politely  :shy:)

Its a sore sight watching a cat pin a dog to the floor by the back of his neck etc!  :Crazy:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2007, 12:48:36 PM »
Tilly likes...

Counting people at bedtime to make sure we're all there.
Sitting on the kitchen worktop even though she knows she's not allowed.
Being 'invisible' by camouflaging herself against anything black.
Supervising my computer work where she has developed a whole new liberal approach to spelling.
Sitting on top of the litter tray hood and thumping Jumpy around the head whenever he emerges from his morning 'newspaper read'.

Jumpy like...
Being a couch potato and sitting back against my shoulder to watch TV
Playing for sympathy and looking 'thin' my stretching himself out whenever I am in the kitchen.
Using the litter tray within 30 seconds of me changing it!

Offline SpecialRed

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Re: Your cats favourite things to do?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2007, 12:46:57 PM »
Well having read yours I think you lot have normal cats!!

Barrys likes

licking used cotton buds!!
sucking on my ear (its like he is trying to suckle!!)
running and jumping on my car bonnet as I pull up!
sitting on newspapers, if there was an empty room with a newspaper on the floor he would sit on it!
sitting on people no matter what position your in. He has sat on my hip whilst I have been watching tv!
climbing trees.
doing this strange thing with his mouth when he see's a fly!! vibrating mouth.
sleeping with his front legs stretched out
having mad half hours running up the walls!
donna kebabs with chilli sauce.

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2007, 11:14:26 AM »
Baggins likes:
Ready Brek

Bilbo likes:
Heavy Metal
Raw Steak
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Offline Catjane

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2007, 10:00:44 AM »
Great thread!

Meesha likes:

Having massive loves in private - she stops as soon as someone else (human or cat) appears!
Drinking from the bathroom tap
Sleeping up high
Playing fetch - and bringing the ball back!
Being carried around being shown things  :Crazy:
Playing with Sabu, her son
Being extremely inquisitive (but cautious with it)
Rushing everywhere as if everything is an emergency!
Bringing me a leaf most days
Waking me up in the morning by patting me on my face :)

Shanti likes:

Lots of cuddles
Bags!  Any bag ... carrier, rucksack, handbag, briefcase ... pulling everything out and getting in them!  Sleeping on/in/under them!
Washing Meesha and Sabu
Playing with my next door neighbour's daughter
Deliberately running away when I want her to come in!  (She's a little demon for that!)
Waking me up in the morning by pulling at my hand or nose!
Licking my plate clean
Kneading me!
Play-fighting me (she's learned the rules now :)  )
Sleeping next to me at night :)

Sabu likes:

Jump-rubbing me! (Sometimes he misses and goes sailing past lol!)
His food!
Watching me in the kitchen
Playing with Meesha (they go off on 'adventures' together, and often return home together)
Playing with his best mate (a long-haired black cat)
Sleeping in the bath
Sleeping in the wardrobe (if I let him!)
Playing sticky carpet and fighting rugs
Playing with my underwear!  :Crazy:
Being doted on by his three girls (that includes me!) - he laps it up!

Offline furballmom

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 23:53:25 PM »
Phoenixs loves
tummy rubs
The washing machine
Following me everywhere including the toilet
sitting on her cat tree
toy mice (shes trashed two in a week)
sitting in the window watching the birds
killing the carpet
killing the pet blanket then wondering why its now on top of her

Gimlee loves
Daddys chair
The washing machine
sleeping on my bag
laser pen
sleeping on the bed
playing at three o'clock in the morning
sitting in the sun
the washing basket
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 23:54:52 PM by furballmom »

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2007, 23:45:28 PM »
Pearl likes:
Being nosey
Sleeping on the table in the hallway
Drinking from the toilet
Hunting mice
Cuddles with her meowmy
Being groomed
Watching other cats at shows

Toby likes:
Supervising human activities
Sitting / sleeping in his basket
Guarding the greenhouse
Running up and down the stairs
Killing rugs

Offline berties mum

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2007, 23:11:37 PM »
Bella likes:
Sitting on anything soft that may be left lying about - teatowels, socks, oven gloves ... not fussy
Sleeping in the sink
Watching motor racing on TV or anything involving moving cars
Kissing our neighbour's dog through the glass of the patio door
Sleeping next to me in bed, under the duvet
Removing everything from my handbag and then abandoning it all in favour of an interesting toy

Bertie likes:
Chattering at birds through the window
Drinking straight from the kitchen tap
Boxes, bags, cupboards, drawers - you open it, he'll sleep in it
Lying upside down at the top of the stairs waiting for a passer-by to provide a tummy rub
Restyling visitors' hair using paws and spit
Watching snooker on TV - when the balls go into the pockets, he looks under the TV to see where they've gone
Being chased upstairs
Having his paws kissed

Minnie likes:
Stretching out on the front wall in the early evening to greet every single neighbour who comes home from work
Sleeping in flowerpots
Watching the washing machine go around
Catching moths

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2007, 22:45:55 PM »
Catchin mrroooooooowws  >:(

Offline furbabies

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Your cats favorite things to do?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 20:03:52 PM »
I'll start off but would be nice to hear what other furbabies like doing.

Missy likes her treks out of the house she doesn't really travel more than about 5 houses in any
direction unless she follows us to the park to watch littlie playing.
She likes big soft things to lay on for naps in fact her bed doesn't seem to e big enough she likes the boys MASSIVE floor cushions.
She likes playing ball If you roll it to her she'll roll it back to you.
She likes playing with balloons and hasn't popped one yet.
She likes to see who comes in and out the house and isn't shy about frisking people cat style, sniffing through their bags
jumping on laps to check people out (she's not a lap cat at all and soon jumps off when suspect has been sussed out).
If you leave your car door/boot/window open she'll be in it - eeek.

Merlin likes watching tv - sometimes when I change the channel he gets up and comes over to me and meows in my face.
He likes playing with his reflection,
my sons train sets, cat balls, click clack track and cars
likes playing peebo through the bars on the stairs.
He doesn't care what your doing if he wants a nap and company he'll find a way to lay on your lap even if you're doing something.
He loves keyboards and tries to walk all over them repeatedly.
He loves his tail or hates it whichever - he tries to kill it on a regular basis lol.
He likes doing the Puss In Boots pose - does it everso well
He loves jumpin gon Missy and chasing her then rolling over and playing dead.

Ok your turn
RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl


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