Author Topic: Life can be so cruel at times  (Read 2872 times)

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2007, 01:19:18 AM »
I'm so sorry Dawn. Cody was gorgeous.

He was one of the many ones I fell in love with and wanted to keep  :'(  :'(  It was weird in a way though, when I was watching him walk last week, he seemed to have a bit of a hunch back on him, as if his spine had a curve in it, I was going to try and trap him again to get him in the vets but again it's too late now........poor little hun  :'(

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2007, 13:09:37 PM »
I'm so sorry Dawn. Cody was gorgeous.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2007, 13:07:16 PM »
 :Luv: :Luv: :hug:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2007, 00:48:28 AM »
He sure was a beauty...  :Luv: :'(

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2007, 00:43:07 AM »
Here's a pic of my gorgeous babe  :'(

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2007, 00:21:03 AM »
Thanks for all the lovely comments  :hug:  I'm sure Cody will be racing round on the bridge now with Dylan, Nobby, Oscar, Little Bob, Fluffball and all my other babes, but he will be sorely missed by so many of mine   :'(  He was a top cat and so handsome and most of all, I know he was happy living the life he did.  When he was indoors, he always seemed happy and I honestly think he was but I also know once he got the taste of freedom, if he had a choice, he would have wanted his freedom.  This is why I parted with Boston and Clyde, and I was hoping once they settled, possibly Tiger, Cody, Meeka and Annie could join them but this wasn't meant to be, which is a shame as he would have loved it there  :'(

people like Sean can't understand why we keep putting ourselves through it, but we know there are so many cats that would suffer if we stopped, and that is why we do it, there are so many cats whose life wouldnt be as good if it weren't for you.

Des, Sean does understand, he just thinks I set myself up for heartache too many times and although he tries to get me to step back a little, he knows I can't just leave them to die a lingering death outside.  He will do his best for any I take in, even the ones that he is  pretty convinced won't make it, and with these he tries to prepare me beforehand not to get my hopes up or too attached.  He has seen me cry so many times so he knows how much it all gets to me.

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2007, 23:38:25 PM »
You gave him the best life possible Dawn. You can't wrap them in cotton wool. I'm sure he was happy in his last days. It must be so hard for you though.

Poor Cody  :'(

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Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2007, 19:50:08 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug: Dawn  :( RIP Cody......all our bridge babes will be waiting for you  :hug:

So sorry to hear this news, Cody was but one of the many furbabes that need you  :Luv:

Offline berties mum

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2007, 18:23:54 PM »
Dawn, I am so sorry.  I agree with Blackcat below - you can keep an outdoor-loving cat inside, but what quality of life would they have?  My Matilda, a real outdoor puss, was killed by a car two years ago.  A fortnight before she died, a neighbour knocked my door and said she had seen Matilda on the main road behind our house, playing chicken with the cars.  It scared me to death and I kept her in for a week - but she was as miserable as sin, and I cracked and let her back out again.  She died a week later and I felt terrible guilt - but looking back now, I realise that if Matilda had been given the choice between a short and free-roaming life, or a long and restricted one, she'd probably have taken the former.  I miss her every day but I know she was happy and I know I'll see her again.  Big hugs to you from Bertie, Bella and Minnie  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline LittleLijah

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2007, 17:16:35 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about Cody. Don't feel guilty....cats are meant to go outside.

Sounds like you are doing amazing things for lots of other kitties.

Take care x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2007, 16:52:14 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Dawn try to focus on the positives ... you do good work and there are manymany happy healthy cats out there because of you.

RIP Cody play hard at the bridge baby.
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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2007, 16:36:16 PM »
Dawn sending you lots of hugs from my gang.

You obviously love cats and animals so much and like me and all here, you feel so heartbroken when things like this happen.

None of us can save them all but I know that doesn't mean we don't want that. And it doesn't stop the hurt.

Sadly the way nature works can be so cruel in our eyes. Cody had a wonderful life with you. I know he did. I hope one day you will be able to remember him with happy memories. Its crazy isn't it. I know before my mum died that I felt it would tear me apart and don't get me wrong it was heartbreaking, but 5 years has passed and I have somehow had the strength to continue. I guess its a case of I had to. my cat family helped me so much and I'm so glad they were there instead of me having nobody.

Its horrible that the car went wrong around the same time. A bad coincidence I'm sure. The day before my mum died, my mountain bike was hit by a car whilst parked outside the hospital. You can imagine how i felt when I came out.

I know we all worry here so much about the cats in our care. I will never forget the first time my heart sank when I couldn't find a loved cat only to see them appear almost magically looking at you as if to say, whats up with you......

If Cody was an outdoor cat. It was better for him to be outside. You showed your selfless love for him by giving him his freedom. There would always be a risk of this I guess. But you feel this sadness because of the love you have for cats and their welfare.

I hope the kittens make it. As everyone else is saying. You do such wonderful work. I am grateful to you for all the advice you have given me in the past.

RIP Cody. If you bump into my Jemilla at the rainbow bridge, please tell her that even though I have new kittens in my life, that i still love and miss her so much and that she will always be a special cat to me.

take care x

Offline Gwen

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2007, 16:09:50 PM »
Don't beat yourself up Dawn :hug:

Cody had the best life with you and you should be proud of yourself for giving him the best of everything even if that meant you worrying about him even if he was outside.

RIP Cody,play hard at the bridge little one :hug:
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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2007, 14:43:40 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear about Cody. Don't feel guilty Dawn, he was living the life he wanted to, and you were brave enough to let him do that because you knew he would be miserable othewise. :hug:

Offline blackcat

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2007, 12:04:01 PM »
Dawn, from what you say about the boy, he might have lived a longer life if you had kept him inside, but it would have been a life of stress and misery. Cats who are determined to be outdoor cats will settle into the routine of indoor living, but they suffer. My friend's cat who I cared for for 2 years was not happy being inside at night. I personally prefer they be indoors at night and it was a constant struggle. Since he returned to his owner he has been a much happier cat who does not spray indoors at all.

Better a short life and a happy one, than a long life with low-level stress always at the door... :Luv: :hug: :hug:

Offline IainMcT

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2007, 11:18:50 AM »
Hello Dawn,

You can't feel guilty for letting Cody out. I totally understand that some people's circumstances mean their cats have to live indoors and some cats prefer living indoors. But a lot of cats love being outside. Little Sid spends most of his time outside. I know he crosses roads and I worry about him but it would be cruel to keep him indoors as he would hate it. Cody's life will have been so much happier being able to come and go and having the woods to play in. I'm very sorry for what has happened but I'm sure he was much happier being and outdoors cat.


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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2007, 11:16:23 AM »
Dawn, big  :hug: on its way to you  :hug:

RIP Cody, hope you're running free on the Bridge and chasing the butterflies.

You guys do such an amazing job, I for one know I could not do it, my heart would break every single day and I would not be able to cope with that.  You can't save them all hun, there must be an element of fate involved in all of this, and maybe Cody was meant to be with the Angels just now  :hug:

Fantastic news bout the tortie kitten though, I hope this turns out to be a fantastic forever home  ;D
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 11:17:23 AM by clarenmax »

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2007, 10:10:19 AM »
Dawn, so sorry things aren't going well at the moment, I do hope things improve for you, people like Sean can't understand why we keep putting ourselves through it, but we know there are so many cats that would suffer if we stopped, and that is why we do it, there are so many cats whose life wouldnt be as good if it weren't for you. You have my number if you want to talk.
Please spay your cat

Offline LesleyW

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2007, 10:00:16 AM »
Dawn, so sorry to hear about Cody, RIP at the Bridge little man with no worries of cars.  

I know exactly how you feel Dawn.  10 of my resident cats have freedom to the outside world during the day and I always worry about them but they are so miserable if I try and keep them in.  Baz, my first handreard babe went missing for a couple of nights last week and I feared the worst but he eventually came home hungry so I assume he was locked in somewhere.

You do a wonderful job for all the kitties and I know it seems sometimes that it is all for nothing but it is not.  There are many cats out there who are only there because of you and, like me, you will keep on doing it for them, for no one else.

Hope today goes better for you, you have my number if you want a chat, a moan or a shoulder to cry - but you know you'll start me off and there will be two blithering idiots on the phone.

Keep you chin up and just imagine me doing my John Wayne impression, got another new one in last Sunday, lol

Love Lesley xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 19:04:05 PM by Lesley (Eight Lives Left Kitten Rescue) »
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Offline Ela

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 08:32:21 AM »
Something to sit with a cuppa and reflect on the successes.

I think in rescue although you know you have helped  and saved many, it is the little ones loved and lost that play on your mind. I know we cannot save the world but we like to hope we can. I do not often think about the successes, the cats foremost in my mind (even though some may have been years ago)  are the little ones  we have lost through no fault of our own and in spite of our best efforts.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 10:36:37 AM by Ela »

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2007, 08:20:56 AM »
Well Dawn.. I have 2 builders outside the house reading the paper in their van before they come in to knock a whole in my kitchen.  I went out to them 10 mins ago all cheerful. When they see me next I will have sore red eyes. I am so very sorry to hear about Cody. He really reminded me of our Billy the way you decribed him mingling with the others so he could get some attention coz he was so wary.  BIG HUGS to you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2007, 08:10:49 AM »
Sounds like you need to take a step back, Dawn, and reflect on all the wonderful things you've accomplished. All the cats and kittens that have a good life sheerly because of you!  :hug:

You can't save them all by yourself. No one can.

I'd make myself a 'wall of hope' and stick a photo of every fluffy one you've helped over the years. Something to sit with a cuppa and reflect on the successes. They seem so much more real if you print out the photos...  ;)

RIP, little Cody.

Offline Ela

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Re: Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2007, 08:00:29 AM »
I am so sorry about Cody.

I wish I'd let you go to the stables and you would have been safe.

I think if we had hindsight many of us would have perhaps dealt with things differently.Then again I do believe in que sera

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Life can be so cruel at times
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 01:33:45 AM »
I had 2 little feral kittens that I had to take to the vets today along with Modo.  They look to be about 6 weeks old, mum nowhere around and kittens aren't too brilliant.  They aren't scrawny which is in some way a good thing but are very lethargic and not sure what their outcome will be.  Sean asked me why I keep putting myself through this day in and day out but how can I answer that, I just don't know  :'(  :'(  They've been given antibiotics, vitamins and something to encourage them to eat and hopefully if they make it, they have to go back in a week. 

On top of this, I found Cody my feral had been hit by a car...........this has knocked me for six and although I've tried blocking it out, it's broke my heart  :'(  :'(  :'(  I loved Cody to bits, he was a buggar for getting out and although I worried myself stupid about him, he was happier outside and once out, he refused to come back inside.  For some reason, he'd gone through the woods at the end of the garden and gone down onto the road, whoever hit him must have moved him and placed him near the edge of the woods so at least he didn't have cars going over him  :'(  :'(  Although I'm having to deal with the guilt of letting him enjoy his freedom, I also have to put up with idiotic  :censored:  that have got litters of kittens that they can't get rid of because they've let their females have a litter  :censored:  :censored:  Also had a phone call earlier about 2 more feral kittens that are living near a road and a pregnant mum cat, I went round earlier but they're going to have to be trapped when I get chance.  My car exhaust decided today as well that it was going to crack, so that has put me off the road until it can be all in all, life is  :censored: at the moment, I'm just hoping one day it will decide to get better.

I will end on a bit of good news though, my little brain damaged tortie kitten went to start her new life with Sarah today, she'd eaten her dinner within an hour of being there which was a big relief to Sarah.   I'm sure she'll love her new home and will settle in fine with her new buddies, which include rabbits and guinea pigs.  She's one gorgeous little girl and deserves a fantastic life.

And Cody my little man, you'll always be remembered sweetie, I wish I'd let you go to the stables and you would have been safe but you seemed so happy where you were and I know you loved your freedom, who was I to deprive you of that  :'(

RIP my little man, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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