Author Topic: Some Merlin questions?  (Read 3505 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2007, 22:47:46 PM »
When we first got Merlin for the first 2 weeks he was very clean and used his tray like a good boy. But the last few 2 - 3
weeks we've had 2 wee's on the front door mat and 2 poos on the carpet

As Angie says they can forget themselves and the doormat will smell like an area to wee. Can you put a 2nd tray near by?

Occasionally his stools seem to be loose too, he's not had diarhea but they're sometimes not as solid as I htink they should be.
I'm wondering if this is to do with the food he now eats?
It could be diet change, ask your vet if he can have a probiotic powder eg, lacto b or protexin.

Have you wormed him?

He seems to be growign and putting weight on fine. What age do you let kitens go out?
With the adult cats we've had we've kept them in a month or two and then let them explore the garden and then wander?
What age do you wait tio let a kitten out? He's due his next last vaccination in about a weeks time?

Not until 6 months, if he were to get lost he wouldnt be able to survive on his own. And people will pick up and take home a small kitten and just keep it.
Even at 6 months they still have no sense of direction so it must be supervised access.
When you get him neutered it would be a good time to get him microchipped  ;)

I'm wondering what litter to use, we have been using Tesco litter as it mostly clumps and it's about £1.50 a bag that lasts a week
If he doesnt eat it then clay is ok. I like worlds best cat litter, you can flush so your bin doesnt smell and it has no chemicals in it. Some people here use chick crumbs as an cheap alternative  ;)

Am i right in thinking they don't neuter male cats til they are 6 months old? I was going to give it another 3 weeks til we started letting
him have little excusrions into the garden with me. Do you think it's best I get a harness and lead for that

Many vets still say 6 months but its worth asking if they will do it earlier.
If you start with out door excursions now then be prepared for a small kitten desperate to get out at every opportunity. What they dont know about they dont miss.

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2007, 16:06:01 PM »
When my last kittens were growing up they seemed to forget where the tray was - often in the middle of a battle - so I assumed they were just too busy enjoying themselves to think. They did grow out of it though I lost all my houseplants and floor cushions in the process.  >:(
Give the area a good clean with biological washing powder.

As far as letting him out, I would definately wait until he's been neutered at about 6 months. Young cats have no sense of danger and are prone to being picked up by passers by/ run over / chased and loads of other dangers.
Having lost one of my last kittens to RTA at 1 year old, if I have any more kittens I might consider keeping them in longer.

Offline furbabies

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2007, 14:15:35 PM »
Thankyou :)

Will have a drive up to Pets At home CRINGE I hate that place - had trouble with them in the past when the kids used to have hamsters.
Swore i'd never go back but the small local pet shops don't have hooded trays. Either that or i'll send hubby on his way home from job interview tomorrow

Oh what a lovely day.

Merlin has derailed 3 trains already - poor dodge Deisel 10 and Percy :(  :evillaugh:

Oh my name is Jenni
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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 13:36:20 PM »
I would really invest in a hooded tray - it really is brilliant not only do the cats prefer it but it cuts down on the mess, you will need to go to a Pet Shop for this as Tesco will not have one.

I have just been to Tesco for cat litter and it cost me £5.19 for 5 litres.  I hope he likes it.
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2007, 13:19:26 PM »
THe crystal stuff is really good but sounds weird when they walk on it (I amigine it feels weird underfoot too). I would hesitate to introduce it when he is having a few whoopsies about the place. It cuts odour to nil, and does not track through the house (my lounge is presently ankle deep in tracked litter am currently girding up my loins to start shifting furniture and cleaning, as have gotten through the rest of the house now (and laid cork tiles in the soon-to-be pantry and painted a coat of paint (in case anyone is wondering why I have not got to it by day three of the bank holiday!!). But introduce any new litter slowly by mixing it in increasing proportions with the litter presently in use.

Offline furbabies

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2007, 13:05:49 PM »
Thanks Blackcat, sam and Yvonne.

He seems to just like the front mat as when he's pee'd on it, it has been in different places on the mat (which
is quite large sort of 3 ft square) though he's not done it recently I suppose it's just made me a little mistrustful of him,
there seems to be no rhyme or reason - his litter tray is kept in the utility room which is probably the most private room
of the house as there is a gate at the kitchen door to stop littlen getting into the fridge and cupboards, and Merlin walks
easily between the bars and throught he kitchen round the corner and ther he has his litter tray at the other side of the
room is his food/ water and next to that he has an old jumper of mine a chenille onethat he loves as it;s very cosy.

Merlin's about 12 weeks old now - we're estimating here as the people didn't even seem to know exactly how old he was.
If his tummy was upset every day all day i'd have been back to the vets by now, but it seems funny it's occasional. The kids
through all their faults were pre warned and warned again about not feeding the kitten, and i'm confident they don't, they
like their food too much to even share with each other or my mums dog when it visits.
Unless he's mnageing to find any crumbs that have been dropped, but the kids do sweep the kitchen floor twice a day
(their job)

I'm wondering what litter to use, we have been using Tesco litter as it mostly clumps and it's about £1.50 a bag that lasts a week.
When we collected him I saw a white-ish looking litter that even look like Catsan - hard to describe really more like crystals?
On the whole he uses his tray it's just the odd accident? the other cats i've had have been girls so i'm wondering if maybe it's a lazy
little boy thing? Sometimes he doesn't cover his poo and scratches the plastic on the side of the tray instead?
My kids think it's cause he has a pink litter tray lol and dislikes girlie pink lol (it was the only one left in the shop) :evillaugh: kids eh.

Little more concerned about the occasional loose stools, maybe he liked eating the cheap adult biscuits?? but i'd like to feed him
good quality food thats healthy for him.

Never a dull moment eh:)

Am i right in thinking they don't neuter male cats til they are 6 months old? I was going to give it another 3 weeks til we started letting
him have little excusrions into the garden with me. Do you think it's best I get a harness and lead for that?

Sorry to seem so dense.

I love him to bits

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Offline Yvonne

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2007, 11:15:07 AM »
Hi furbabies and  :welcome: to Purrs - what is your name by the way?

I have a kitten the same age as yours and he started to have toileting problems after being totally clean on arrival - see

I was given some very good advice, I think what turned it around for me was the new hooded litter tray with the front flap taken off - he would not go in it with the flap on - it cost £15 from the pet shop.  Also I was using the wood based cat litter which I changed to the fine granules (like sand) he much preferred this.  Fingers crossed everything seems to be ok now.

Keep us posted   :luck:
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2007, 09:45:04 AM »
To answer your last question first. He should not go out until his vaccinations have taken effect. Your vet will tell you, but a week or so after the last one. Second, depending on your environment, he should not go out until you are confident he knows how to handle himself. When introducing him outside he should have supervised walks until he know his way back to the house.

Weeing and pooing in a kitten who has previously used his litter tray and whose tray is kept clean usually means he or she has had some sort of upset. Make sure you clean up mistakes properly and spray the area with feliway. Get a feliway plug-in so that whatever is upsetting him is counteracted and soothed.

Loose stools may be a result of worms or of a change in diet. If he has not been wormed then try that first. Any change in diet should be gradual and you seem to be doing that, so I would opt for worms. Either that or some other member of your household is sneaking him 'treats' that are not good for his tummy.

I don't intend to let Smidgen out until he is microchipped (he is around 16 weeks now), which will not happen until he is neutered as the vet says she will not do it until he is anaesthatised.

Offline furbabies

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Some Merlin questions?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2007, 09:38:36 AM »
Hi all

I;ve never had a kitten before i've only ever had cats. So just wondering if you can help answer some probably very normal
curiosities for me?

When we first got Merlin for the first 2 weeks he was very clean and used his tray like a good boy. But the last few 2 - 3
weeks we've had 2 wee's on the front door mat and 2 poos on the carpet, nothing in the last few days but it has meant
that we don't feel we can trust him when we're not there just incase so at night and when we go out we restrict him to
the kitchen/ utility room which means he has quite alot of room and I make sure he has toys to play with.
I clean his litter tray out whenever I notice it's been used but that seems to have made no difference.
Any ideas? Is it like the kids forgetting to flush the loo or my littel one not gettign to the potty in time?

Occasionally his stools seem to be loose too, he's not had diarhea but they're sometimes not as solid as I htink they should be.
I'm wondering if this is to do with the food he now eats? The people we got him from didn't seem to care and he was still having
milk from mum and eating cheap supermarket biscuits for adult cats. As I said his tummy was fine in the first week or two even
though I was feeding him James wellbeloved biscuits and felix cat food straight from the offing. I've just bought some science plan
to mix with the felix with the plan to take him off felix in the hopes that it agrees more with him as i've heard science plan is supposed
to be a good for that although quite expensive.
Am I doing wrong? or has being fed rubbish by ppl who only wanted to make money out him been the problem?

He seems to be growign and putting weight on fine. What age do you let kitens go out?
With the adult cats we've had we've kept them in a month or two and then let them explore the garden and then wander?
What age do you wait tio let a kitten out? He's due his next last vaccination in about a weeks time?

Advice gratefully appreciated


RIP Ebony, she's a good, she's a good, she's Ebony-zer good girl


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