We have the space now and the Clan cats number 36 not including te outside strays who are turning up.
We have 20 ferals, 15 domestics and a rescue ragdoll they range from 17 to 2 and are from really nie to very nasty not for the feint hearted ferals.
12 indoor only and the rest have indoor/outdoor access and all are in every night. All ID Chipped, neutered, injected annually and have Program injections every 6 months. Wormed every 3 months and rather large vet bills every month just for the basics!
All get attention the ferals pick and choose, some just like the digs and food and others love to be on your knee till you move. Noth9ng like 20 cats flying around after a laser pen and Da Birdies to keep you occupied.
Included in this are ones with health issues - 3 legs, no tail, cardiomyopathy, cruelty cases and ferals who couldn't be returned as we also bought our feral colony when we moved and they have adapted to being house cats and 99/100 hit the grit box not bad for 12 months!
All are loved and wanted even if they prefer the dog to the humans, when we bought the house it was their needs before ours and they now have a safe haven, loads of space and good food, heating, vet care and parents who love them for what they are
We also never take holidays as we don't trust someone to look after them although Elaine will now have a great reference as she babysat and checked traps for us when we moved last year and does visit when I am at home.