Author Topic: Hi Life and animal testing statement  (Read 5561 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2006, 17:27:03 PM »
Thanks Pete for your points!
I now have a direct email so i could enquire further re: subsideries. They are a reasonably small company who i cant find any other business links to, it sounds asthough they dont fund anything. I know part of BUAVs requirements are suppliers that are 'clean' aswell.

So far, they sound like a reasonably priced/easily accessible cruelty free product.

They do make other foods but i cant remember the brand, its dog food im thinking of...


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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2006, 16:44:35 PM »
I don't see how testing on animals works as humans don't have the same skin etc or the same reactions as an animal would have to many of the test that are carried out. I am strongly against animal testing and the breeding of animals for these tests. Even though most companies say they don't test on animals they have counter parts in Europe where it is legal that do.

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2006, 14:48:35 PM »
I am not suggesting this is the case but you need to be careful with the words used and how far they go. There was, at least, one Cosmetic manufacturer who once said that their company did not test products on animals.
Yes that's very true, companies are very clever with their wording, so they are telling the truth but also missing out important bits of info!  For example, the Benefit cosmetics FAQ says: Q: Does Benefit Cosmetics test on animals?  A: NO... Benefit does not do animal testing on our finished products.  But reading between the lines, they have been very careful to state on their FINISHED products, which means that the ingredients, combinations of ingredients, or maybe even the completed product but not in its finished packaging, could potentially have been tested on animals, depending on what 'finished' means.  I suspect that at least some testing has been done at some stage, otherwise they wouldn't have been so careful to use that particular wording...

It certainly sounds promising that Hi-Life don't test on animals though...we are a suspicious lot aren't we  :innocent:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2006, 14:27:54 PM »
Fingers crossed that the answers to Pete's questions are a no too. Would be interesting to find out if they make anything other than HiLife.
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Offline catzluva71

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2006, 19:44:26 PM »
Thanks Milly's mum; a tentative  :ok:
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Offline Beanie

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2006, 18:56:18 PM »
Good work Milly's mum.

Town & Country Petfoods Ltd, owners of the HiLife brand, was founded in 1974 and in that time has neither funded nor participated in any laboratory tests or experimentation using animals of any species.

I am not suggesting this is the case but you need to be careful with the words used and how far they go. There was, at least, one Cosmetic manufacturer who once said that their company did not test products on animals. The question had been directed at the UK company and to all ends and purposes was true. What they didn't say was they got one of their Europen subsidiary / sister companies to do the testing.

I was be interested to know whether Town & Country Pet Products Ltd have subsidiaries or apply the same standards to their suppliers. After all they can insist on following that through with suppliers. Does the statement also apply to other foods that it may offer.

Do you see where I'm coming from?
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Offline J (Indoorcatsuk)

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2006, 18:50:53 PM »
Thanks for the information Millys Mum.
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Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2006, 17:44:51 PM »
Good work ..I was wanting to know whether Hi life was tested on or not !!!
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2006, 17:41:59 PM »
Yes it is, sorry, should have put that i gave them the 3rd degree  :rofl:

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2006, 17:40:14 PM »
Milly's mum is that a response from an email you sent to them ?

Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Millys Mum

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Hi Life and animal testing statement
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 17:25:10 PM »
I know this interests alot of people here, so thought i would post the response i got from Town & Country.

Town & Country Petfoods Ltd, owners of the HiLife brand, was founded in 1974 and in that time has neither funded nor participated in any laboratory tests or experimentation using animals of any species.

We allow animals to participate only in preference tests to ensure that our high quality formulations continue to meet, if not exceed our customer’s expectations.  These tests are carried out either in-home (under the direct control of the dog or cat’s owner), or at a reputable boarding cattery (under the control of the cattery owners). To be clear, these simple tests offer a cat or dog the choice between 2 bowls of different products.  After eating their meal, their preference for one product or the other is noted accordingly.

Our involvement with laboratories is exclusively limited to the chemical and micro-biological analysis of raw materials and finished product and does not involve the use of any animals whatsoever.   

Raw materials are tested before production in order to comply with the strict import regulations of the European Union, e.g. Salmonella, Enterobacteriaceae, and other food-spoiling bacteria.

Finished product is tested to ensure legal compliance with the declarations that we make on every one of our products, e.g. protein, ash, fibre, oil, and moisture, etc.  These are all chemical analyses and again, do not involve the use of any animals whatsoever.

Natures Menu havent responded yet....


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