thankyou all , iv been up all night worrying or listening to luna crying ,i gave luna and moomin some prawns last night and have saved some for mango
hopefully she will be home this morn if she is breathing better , i got up early and ready , just waititng for the vets to open so i can ring
lunas ended up with the runs this morn cause shes upset herself that much , i bet shellsleep all day next to mango
thats interesting about the tumer in the throat , they have dung lung thins on mango and chest xrays but nothing to do with throat and nose
they are going to do mri on her to check her skull and everything at the specialist
a bit worried now though cause we only have 3000 left on insurance till march next yr and this will have cost last night on oxigen and monitoring and she has to go to specialist and have treatment and drugs till next march on 3000 which isnt a lot , already sent 500 this yr