Imogen doesn't mind me, but she objects to my OH being allowed to get into 'her' bed. You can tell she's displeased because she actually looks cross
, then she'll go and sit on my chair for a while [making a point not to look comfortable], then she does a big elaborate sigh before jumping down to be let out of the room.
Then I have to carry her downstairs because Humphrey and Basil lay on the landing at night and she doesn't like to walk around them...I put her down right at her downstairs bed and, if she's not in too bad a mood, she just ignores me and goes to bed - if she's in a moderately bad mood, she'll 'humph' at me and if she's really not very happy smiley, I'll get a backwards hiss.
Funnily enough, I always feel like I should back out of the room whilst bowing...