My persians mean the world to me, and I find these sort of comments highly offensive and hurtful - not just in this thread, there have been several over the time I've been on this forum - I havent commented before, but felt I just had to today...
Gillian, as a breed they make me sad solely because of the breathing and grooming difficulties they can have. I have a friend that had a persian called Wilbur - he was grey and I thought he was adorable. He was one of the most cuddly, unassuming cats I've ever met. If that's an example of the persian temperament, I can see why you'd be defensive!
My mum has a torti and she is utterly lovely. (well, to me. She used to swipe at my younger sisters legs all the time!) I have a black, black and white, ginger tabby and a grey tabby. The only colour I've "chosen" is the black and white. The other three came to me from various homes, that were having trouble finding homes for them or decided they couldn't train them. I couldn't love them more if I'd scoured the world for each one of them - but I didn't have to because they were meant to be part of my family!
Parsley was a tabby too, and her personality was completely different to my younger tabby. I miss her.
I have to admit to thinking greys are gorgeous too. Pictures of the little one needing a home please, Dawn!
As for wild cats - I don't think I have a favourite. I think they're all magnificent.