Author Topic: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)  (Read 2955 times)

Offline Déborah

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2007, 12:06:15 PM »
Hehe, thanks everybody!

Yes, my little girl is growing up  :'( But she's also getting less moody, more vocal and more affectionate, so I'm not complaining  ;)
It wasn't so long ago she looked like that (warning, cuteness overload!):

Looks like you landed on your feet with your flatmate, she quite clearly loves Mia helping make bread  :)
And looks like she's got your new flatmate well trained already ;)
i see she has another slave at her beck and call

OH YES! Nicolette loooooooves cats. She also has a tendency to baby talk to Mia in Greek, but I just let that go  :evillaugh: She's from Cyprus, and her family feeds and looks after a gazillion street cats who stay in their garden  :Luv:

Gorgeous pics, looks like Mia has finally grown into those ears  :evillaugh:

Hey!  >:( mmm, well, yes, I guess she has...  :evillaugh:

It was Mia's absolute duty to give that bread the once over - it could have been chicken bread...or sardine bread....or tuna bread.... ;)

Mmm, well, she is amazingly curious, and she started eating the dough anyway. For you information it was Amish bread  :)

I love the 'brothel cat' pics  :evillaugh:

Just so you understand why my room is called the brothel. It's hmm, very red...

Anyway, thank you all for your good wishes  :Luv:

Déborah xx

Offline lilycat

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2007, 20:47:52 PM »
It was Mia's absolute duty to give that bread the once over - it could have been chicken bread...or sardine bread....or tuna bread.... ;)

Lovely to hear that you're both happy in your new home  :)

Offline Sarah (seldom_use)

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 20:34:16 PM »
The pictures are great Deborah  :Luv:

Mia is such a becoming such a lady hehhee.

How are you doing in your new flat?
Hope everythings ok  :hug:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2007, 20:32:42 PM »
Hi Deborah

Glad you and Mia have settled in nicely, I was only thinking about you both the other day wondering how you were getting on.  Gorgeous pics, looks like Mia has finally grown into those ears  :evillaugh:  I love the 'brothel cat' pics  :evillaugh:

Offline Ellie

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2007, 20:24:33 PM »
So glad the move went ok and you have all settled in so well  ;D

Mia is beautiful  :Luv: and has grown up so much  :Luv:

 :coolpics:  ;)

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2007, 19:40:30 PM »
Hi Deborah,

Aw gorgeous pics, so glad you got everything sorted. Mia looks very content- hope you are too!  ;D

Welcome back!


Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 18:20:53 PM »
Hi ya,

So pleased your are both OK and have settled in OK.  Mia looks adorable and great to see she is learning how to cook  :rofl:
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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 18:16:13 PM »
 :shy:  glad you both have settled in well,  ;) i see she has another slave at her beck and call you go Mia good one and good luck :hug:
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 18:06:11 PM »
Oh bless her - she's well settled, isnt she!  And looks like she's got your new flatmate well trained already ;)   Glad you're both settled in to your new place.

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 17:40:33 PM »
Glad to hear you are settled deborah, Mia looks lovely and contented but so GROWN UP now LOL.

Looks like you landed on your feet with your flatmate, she quite clearly loves Mia helping make bread  :)

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 17:31:16 PM »
Well done Deborah. Mia looks very well settled.

Congratulations on the new home and on how things have turned out  :Luv:

Offline fluffycloud123

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 17:24:54 PM »
so glad your all settled! :)

and shes beautiful :Luv: :Luv: she reminds me of my jasper!

Offline Déborah

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Re: Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 17:23:25 PM »
Ok, a few more pics (awww c'mon, you know you want it !  ;))

Helping Nicolette making bread

On her favourite chair (which also happens to be my favourite chair, but that doesn't seem to concern her much)

Her previous favourite chair. When she realised I liked the other one better, she appeared to change her mind  :shify:

brothel cat (my bedroom is called the brothel because the wall are completely red!) I love her outraged expression on that one  :rofl:

brothel cat takes her revenge

she's growing up, her face is changing a bit  :Luv:

err, sorry for the picture overload...

Déborah xx

PS: Lynn, Mia still likes Cody, and she wants to know if he's still her boyfriend...

Offline Déborah

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Mia in her new flat! (plenty of pics)
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 17:16:13 PM »
Hiya all,
I'm really sorry I disappeared, I was just settling in  :-[

For those who don't know the story, I separated from my partner, and moved out with my kitten Mia (10 months old yesterday  :Luv:) I'm now staying with a very good friend of mine, and I'm fine. Mia settled in fairly quick. After a week, she was her demanding little madam again! She gave me the fright of my life on the very first day we moved though: she's a little explorer and loves climbing things and she ended up climbing inside the chimney  :Crazy: >:( It was a metal tube thingy and I had to shake it to make her fall. She was covered in soot too! (actually, she stank of soot for a couple of days  :innocent:)

She loves my flatmate Nicolette (and it's very well reciprocated). She still complains all the time  :tired: but she's very affectionate (still not a lapcat though). She wakes me up every morning at 5am by sneaking under the duvet, cuddling against me and purring like a tractor  :Luv: When she was a tiny kitten, I only had to pick her up, and she would start purring. Well, she started doing that again. I guess she's growing out of her moody cow-teenager phase  ;D

Now that I'm in the city centre, I see my friends more often, so she gets many visitors. I'm afraid she's getting too used to being the centre of attention!

Ok, I also have a few of the pics I've taken of her in the new place.

Oh and her skin problem healed naturally as well.

First, a pic I took in the old flat, so not that recent, but I love it!

the little miss exploring the dinner table (she does it every morning)

she's developped strange tastes too!

Lounging around in the living room



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