Just like it says in the title - a framed pastel portrait of your cat! - Now, please bear in mind that I am only just learning to use pastels, I'm not a professional artisit by any stretch of the imagination! (although I hope to get good enough one day), so I will do my best to portray your puss cat accurately.
This isnt something I can rustle up by Xmas though - so would need a longer time frame if thats ok. I would need a really, really good pic of your cat - clear and sharp, showing lots of detail, close up is best as the eyes are so important to get right - so a nice head and shoulders, or just head pic would be good. Please no unusual poses where I have to work out where all the legs are etc LOL! I can't do complicated at the moment - still learning!
Just to give you an idea of what I can do - the first one is of my 19 yr old Elsa and the second one is a friends cat Misty.
Starting bid of, say, £7
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