Dinah's human Mum has been in hospital since February now - and is recovering very slowly.
Her daughter (who my OH works with, hence how we became Dinah's new foster-slaves
) has gone overseas for a month so we thought we'd be good samaritans and go to visit her in hospital.
So, off we went with a picture of Dinah and a nice card. Found the ward, found the room she was in, walked in and said to one lady "We're looking for Mrs.K". She was slightly deaf, so we asked again - "Oooh, that's me" she replied.
We gave her the picture and she put it straight down on the table as she didn't have her glasses. 15 minutes of small talk later she hadn't once mentioned Dinah, which was odd, but we happily chatted about her daughter's trip, how we knew her daughter, her health etc.
Then my OH asked about Dinah.
"Did she always sleep on your pillow?"
"Dinah - your cat"
"Oh, I don't have a cat, never have" she said
Oooh, how we laughed
Mrs.K was actually in the next bed, fast asleep, but this lady said we'd made her day and she couldn't stop laughing!!
We're going back to visit again tomorrow..................