Today at 10am after searching all morning and calling all night, my beautiful Gizmo was found dead in my neighbours garden. He looked as if he was just asleep until I found some of his tail was missing but no claws were damaged and no other visable signs he had his front and back legs crossed as if sunbathing . I presume it must of been from the scum we heard on quad bikes that were not from this area last night.
I cant imaging life without him as he is my baby I still have him in my arms now.
I cant bare to let him go. I don't know if I did the right thing but I laid him on the floor on his fav blanket so his remaining brother Louis and his Mum Tabitha could say goodbye.
Gizmo you have brought so much love into my life and been such a brave boy when you were in the cage recovering from your infections last month. A part of me has died with you and you will be in my heart forever and always. I'm sorry I have soaked you in tears this morning but I want you now to go to Rainbow bridge with your beautiful brothers Smudge and Pickles and play with all the butterflies there
forever and always little gummy bear man
love Mummy and all your brothers and sisters
How do I cope without him
January 1999- 11th June 2007 The most precious boy in the world Gizmo gummy bear