Author Topic: Help with food suggestions  (Read 279 times)

Offline jetcleo

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Re: Help with food suggestions
« Reply #3 on: Yesterday at 15:04:14 »
Hi thank you, yes he's still wanting to eat and is a really greedy cat.  I've not heard that about pumpkins but I'll give that a go thank you.  :thanks:

Fingers crossed it works
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Help with food suggestions
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 13:38:12 »
Hi  ;D

Sorry it's taken so long to respond.Folk are very thin on the ground these days :(

I would have a look at this inform in the first instance  If he is a pig and still eating wet food it might be worth addibg a couple of tea spoons of  tinned pumpkin.  It's available from waitrose or asda and stores in the fridge once opened.  I was advised to give this to my little girl when she had colitis and runny poos.  It's fairly bland and cats seem to like it mixed in with their wet food.

Plain, cooked, unsweetened pumpkin can be healthy for cats, especially if they have digestive issues. However, you should avoid giving your cat pumpkin pie filling or canned pumpkin with added ingredients.  most are 100% pumpkin.

    Fiber: Pumpkin's high fiber content can help with diarrhea and constipation.
    Nutrients: Pumpkin contains vitamins A and C, potassium, and beta-carotene, which can support healthy eyes, skin, and coat.
    Weight management: Pumpkin is low in calories and sodium, which can help your cat feel full without extra calories.

I wouln't mess about too much with his food for now and just hope he firms up :)
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Offline jetcleo

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Help with food suggestions
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2025, 08:54:14 AM »
So my 9 year old cat month ago started with a poorly tummy and diarrhea.  I took him to the vet and they gave him some prebiotic paste, recommended a diet of mostly chicken until it cleared up which it did.

He's now started with a runny tummy again.  He's always been a greedy hungry cat and eats the dog food as well as his which I'm trying to stop.   Back to the vets and they can't find anything wrong so he's got more paste and some steroids incase he has some inflammation.  The vet did suggest I look at changing his diet incase he's not able to tolerate what he eats now but I wondered if anyone could recommend where to start.  He eats a dry food which is about 60% meat but has whiskas / felix pouches which are hardly any meat.  Thank you
Always in my heart RIP Jet, Cleo, Poppy, Oscar & Sydney x


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