Author Topic: Deaf white cat wanted  (Read 3623 times)

Offline kag28

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2024, 00:51:15 AM »
Many thanks, Sam, I will take a look at those. 😊

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2024, 13:15:40 PM »
Hi, welcome to the forum :)

As Stuart says it's very very quiest round here these days.  I would check out the following site ... it lists lots of rescues and highlights special needs cases:

I hope you manage to find your special little girl, but please don't rule out other deserving cases based on colour  ;)

There is a facebook group that you may be interested in:  Blind and deaf Cats and Dogs looking for a home.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 13:20:33 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
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Offline kag28

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2024, 09:11:11 AM »
That’s good to hear, maybe it was just a fluke then that my dog and the young, deaf white cat seemed to get on. I’ll leave the post open anyway to see what happens. I would always see how the cat and dog reacted to each other before accepting the cat anyway. Thanks for the information, though, it’s useful to know.

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2024, 00:35:21 AM »
Ah, sorry for late response, I am currently working away from home on nights  :doh:

Hmmm, I'm afraid the deaf cat coming up to your dog and them seemingly getting on may have just been a fluke  :shy: We currently have a dog and two cats, The older cat Rosie tolerates Rocky, but that's about it, Rosie will even sometimes tag along when I take Rocky for a walk (which may look funny to people who don't know they live in the same house, but I don't like it when she does this as the roads may be busy :scared: )

Ruby, on the other hand, just turned six months old. They get on most days and kind of understand each other's body language—well, I think they do. They will chase each other in turn, but as for snuggling down and sleeping together, Rocky, who is a Lhasa Apso, still freaks a bit if she jumps up next to him on the settee. If she lies down, Rocky will get up.

As for you, well yes, certainly a kitten would be the best way forward, but there is never a guarantee that any cat (deaf or not ) will accept the company of your dog, I've had both Boys and girls through the years and to be honest, they were all clean, never any issues, our current cat Rosie doesn't even use the litter tray on a regular basis, who knows where she does her business, hope she's not upsetting the neighbours  :doh:

Good luck with your searching  :briggin:

It's such a shame, this forum used to be very very busy, pretty sure someone would have been able to help you quickly, a lot of rescues too, social media kinda screwed that up.... I'm just as guilty  :( others is also a purr's in our hearts facebook page ;)

Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline kag28

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2024, 16:21:03 PM »
Hello, thank you for your reply and for looking for the post. I think it must have been fairly recent but I don’t remember the date. I didn’t take much notice of the details as I thought the post would just pop up after I registered. The reason we’d like a deaf white cat is that my dog would love to get to know, and snuggle up with, my cats but neither of them want anything to do with my dog. When out walking, we met a guy with a small white deaf cat on a harness, the deaf cat immediately went straight up to my dog without any fear and my dog responded by sniffing noses and wagging her tail. Therefore, I’m thinking that a deaf white cat, preferably a kitten or very young cat would be an ideal companion for my dog. I’ll just wait patiently and maybe one will turn up. Of course, any colour would be fine but my partner used to have two white cats who he adored so would like another white one. From experience I’ve found female cats are much cleaner in their litter trays, hence our preference for a female cat.

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Re: Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2024, 05:14:17 AM »
Hiya and  :welcome: hmmm, I did have a quick look but can find no posts regarding deaf furkids? did you notice a date on the post etc?
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline kag28

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Deaf white cat wanted
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2024, 18:33:11 PM »
Hi everyone,
I am new to this site. I registered because I saw a post about a deaf, white cat that needed a home, but I can’t find that post now. Maybe the cat has already found a home. If anyone knows of a deaf, white, female cat or kitten that needs a home anywhere in England, please let me know. I live in Suffolk but am prepared to travel anywhere in England if there is a deaf, white, female cat out there somewhere that needs a home.
Many thanks.


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