Author Topic: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?  (Read 11391 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2007, 22:24:36 PM »
believe me, you haven't tried my cooking  :rofl:

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2007, 17:34:37 PM »
Chicken with clams etc.

Mmmmm never mind the cats .... what was your address again?  :evillaugh: :rofl:

sorry to hear you've been Dell'ed :-:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2007, 14:42:38 PM »
A quick visit from an internet cafe....Dell killed my computer and won't replace it for 2 weeks!!!!

Swampy's bloods were 'different' but his oesonophils (sp) were better. His white count's a bit odd but the vet says it doesn't point to any specific disease. Max hasn't (so far) repeated the vomiting from last weekend! Prob waiting for the weekend....
I still have them on i/d and am introducing RC renal and RC's new senior wet food  - so far so good. (ok one dose each!). The vet lent me his home recipe book, ye gods, it's complicated. Chicken with clams etc. I am hoping that the food is safe and the RC renal is tolerated.

Btw (wrong thread but I'm running out of time here): the sensitive diet of RC wet is high in phosphorus - 1.1 as opposed to i/d's 0.8 so the vet prefers the latter while the tums recuperate.
Swampy's cholangiohep has left him with an 80% probability of having inflammatory bowel problems. The raised blood oesinophils could have been from an acute reaction or allergy to Hills k/d. As indoor cats, the vet thinks a 'bug' is unlikely. Max's vomiting is a repeat of what he was doing in Feb/march when he would wake up suddenly and throw up, plus a regurg.
In desperation I fished out the spider plant from the shower and let them munch a leaf each and it seemed to help.
Excuse me if I don't log in again asap if you reply, but Dell!!!!!!!!!! I've been Delled. I think I may borrow on the ccard/burn the card and buy a mac!!!!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2007, 18:50:35 PM »
Smoked haddock in fav  ;D

But have you sen the price of smoked haddock grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr >:( >:(

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2007, 18:45:31 PM »
I think boiling takes the flaour out - OK if you are making soup I suppose. I breast takes about 15 minutes in the oven. You can always cook it with something else to save energy  ;D

As for fish, my decorator a couple of years ago said his daughter is a chef and she cooks fish by tying it up in a plastic bag and putting it in the dishwasher (obviously with a full load) and it cooks perfectly. I haven't tried it - I would be scared that there would be a leak - but it sounds plausible.

as an ex chef i would wonder if she uses the dishwasher at work and not the one home novel idea dont recomend it ethier way for steaming fish as far i remember cover fish just enough whith warter in oven tray cover whith foil  cook for 12 min id say  can do chiken this way too 15 -20min nice whith a sliced  onion dash salt if for humans

I don't cook a lot of fish but my mum's way is 2-3 minutes on a plate with some milk &cover with another plate - thats how she cooks smoked haddock (my favourite!  :drool; )

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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2007, 18:37:26 PM »
unlikely I should have thought . This has only just started in the other cat as I understand it.
Anyway pointless speculating My Ex is a vet nurse with 25 years experience  and I studied medicine for 3 years before switching to Architecture and neither of us have got a clue whats going on with the cats. Best left to the vets really as the cats  are obviously seriously ill.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2007, 08:00:34 AM »
Nick, both cats have issues with organs, and that could be the reason for the vomiting, not an illness. Can't remmeber offhand if kidney issues cause vomiting, but liver issues doe cause both vomiting and diarrhea.
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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2007, 22:45:23 PM »
try not to worry too much . The vet will hopefully give you some reassurance tomorrow. I find it difficult to understand how both cats can be vomiting now unless they have both contracted the same illness from the same source ? I hope they get better really soon. If they do not I would think about going to see a differant vet for another opinion. Let us know how you ge on tomorrow Good luck

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2007, 21:05:04 PM »
oh this pc, luckily my brain remembered the password :S

thanks for all the tips. I do wash everything in very hot water, including litter trays and I do feed them separately. They now eat on ceramic saucers which can be dishwashed too. I read to be very careful about hygiene, even for indoor kitties. The vet seems to think it is a food allergy, which, given the news, is worrying. Strike that, I can't sleep!
I am seeing him tomorrow with the Swamp who is to have his eosinophils retested, assuming he allows a blood test that is. I will take Max along too if he vomits any more.
I'll post when I've some news, PC permitting.
thanks so much everyone.

Offline Baggy

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2007, 20:02:34 PM »
Just to add to the chicken debate - if you boil chicken, you can always take the chicken out of the water and simmer it for a little bit afterwards, that way you get a tasty watery gravy for the cats.


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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2007, 19:40:11 PM »
I think boiling takes the flaour out - OK if you are making soup I suppose. I breast takes about 15 minutes in the oven. You can always cook it with something else to save energy  ;D

As for fish, my decorator a couple of years ago said his daughter is a chef and she cooks fish by tying it up in a plastic bag and putting it in the dishwasher (obviously with a full load) and it cooks perfectly. I haven't tried it - I would be scared that there would be a leak - but it sounds plausible.

as an ex chef i would wonder if she uses the dishwasher at work and not the one home novel idea dont recomend it ethier way for steaming fish as far i remember cover fish just enough whith warter in oven tray cover whith foil  cook for 12 min id say  can do chiken this way too 15 -20min nice whith a sliced  onion dash salt if for humans

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2007, 18:57:50 PM »
if the other cat is vomiting too then it can only be gastroenteritus or food poisening  something like campilobactor or salmonnela something like that.

You really should  feed both cats seperately and sterilise their food bowls every day. Be careful to wash your hands after touching the cats or their litter tray you could get it yourself .
Suggest you sterilise their litter tray as well and keep them fresh. They should see the vet but if they are very unwell he should be prepared to come out to you.

Try to obtain a poo sample in a sterile sample tube for the vet. They will probably want to testand confirm for viral/bacterial source

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2007, 09:52:07 AM »
Actually think that Swampy did so well on the beef prescription diet l/d that I really do think they are good - if safe of course! My other cat Max was given 3 years to live in SA with CRF and that was 5 years ago and what did the trick then was g/d dry food - he'd been on nosh what he liked before that and Hills light for when he'd over noshed :)
But thanks for the ideas on the chicken/fish and what to give him - much appreciated. It's trial and error right now.

No, actually going to the vet doesn't make his poo more normal. I'd have thought that stress made it looser, Scattycat? That's weird. It does sound like a food intolerance if it alternates between normal and not.

Since yesterday I now have Max vomiting too, no idea why. He did this some months back. Trying to get the vet on the phone to discuss the whole issue and what to do, but mondays are hectic so even if I do get him for 5 mins he'll be distracted.  It's awful when you can't put down a meal and relax and let them eat; I tense up to see if they'll vomit etc. I came home yesterday to find Swampy's side covered in vomit and vomit all over the bed. Evidence both ways, but given Max's vomiting last night and this morning, I think maybe he threw up all over Swamp. Only got 3 hours sleep worrying about them and the food thing.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 10:01:37 AM by swampmaxmum »

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2007, 17:44:36 PM »
Ah right - I had very little sleep last night, so probably read it entirely wrong!!
Yes, I agree completely, I am not a fan of prescription diets, and fortunately, neither is my vet (although she feeds Whiskas as wet food, so really not sure how much they get taught about nutrition!!)
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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2007, 16:53:08 PM »
I was only suggesting it  as an alternative to chicken because cooking chicken seemed to present insurmountable problems! :rofl:
If his previous  diet  has either caused or possibly  contributed to his present condition then commensense tells me to stop the diet and look at alternatives. I don't need a Vet to tell me that! In fact knowing five Vets personally I wouldn't trust any of them with my pets.  I am an advocate of natural foods for animals and humans as you may have guessed.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 16:54:04 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2007, 14:17:33 PM »
Sorry - I misread as you mentioned stopping prescription food and chicken, and using fish instead.
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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2007, 13:42:39 PM »
Not sure how much fish cats with kidney and liver issues should eat, I wouldn't give a healthy cat a fish only diet though, as fish is very low in taurine (if it contains any at all)

 I wasn't suggesting  a fish only diet ??????????????

« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 13:53:24 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline scattycat

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2007, 13:26:51 PM »

I dont know if you've read my thread in this section about my cat Suki suffering from diarreah also.

Out of interest does your cat do the same as ours appears to, when they come back from the vets the poops are normal, but then go back to loose? Could stress ironically help the poop become normal like it appears to do so with our cat?

I dare say your vets done all the necessary test which ours have gone through due to the similar problems - I know she was on the pro-biotic and antibiotic tablets which we put in her food (I know she wasnt keen on the pro-biotic) Suki's been on antibiotic injections rather than tablets (as we dont like putting tablets down her throat, even with only one tooth left!), but hopefully these will help her.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2007, 13:17:46 PM »
thanks a lot peeps. I am in a tizz about the safety of the i/d, but he does better on that with his tum sick than anything else. I'm really concerned about the k/d which, when he's better, he'd be expected to go back on. He's eaten processed food (Hills, then RC, then Hills) most of his life, so the vet thinks anything else would upset him (and his tum). He was put on a fish food from Denmark which is meant to be really good and for liver/kidney patients (Specifics) but vomited it heartily every time. He won't touch fish now as is 15, we are allergic, so he's not used to it.
He does love chicken, but would only use it to supplement his other food.

I am only not climbing the walls because I am an unfit old cow who couldn't if she tried! I'm going to speak to the vet on tuesday and he's going to have his eosinophils retested then. I don't know if food can cause them to go high. However must try to relax (ha) as my other cat Max ate the same nosh and appears ok.

Ms Neurotic

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2007, 13:04:01 PM »
Not sure how much fish cats with kidney and liver issues should eat, I wouldn't give a healthy cat a fish only diet though, as fish is very low in taurine (if it contains any at all)
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Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2007, 12:59:02 PM »
If Archie has had an upset stomach I buy frozen cod pieces to feed him and find it always works. I microwave one side for 1min 30 and the other for a minute. It is usually a change of food that upsets him or his tendancy to eat elastic bands!

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2007, 12:14:49 PM »
forget the chicken if its a problem. Its not very nutritious on its own anyway. I personally would stop giving him the prescriptive processed foods also. they are clearly not agreeing with his digestive system at the moment.

Think about what cats eat out in the wild they eat natural uncooked meat they don't eat vegetables and rice and all the silly nonsense we humans insist on giving them . Try some natural foods

I would suggest you try him on some tinned fish like pink salmon or tuna or sardines or pilchards or mackrel  all  in brine (not oil .)

rince off the brine gently in a colander and check carefully for bones (unlikely) he is sure to eat one of these.The slight saltiness he will love and if he is slightly dehydrated he will need a little salt replenshment

Both of these are extremly high in protien and essential oils minerals vitamins etc . (Bears eat enough salmon to survive months without eating anything!)

good luck hope Mango improves soon its very worrying I know. I would be climbing the walls by now

« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 12:23:31 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2007, 11:15:13 AM »
he vomited again this morning (his little i/d). I saw your post after cooking the food - I thought that boiled may be softer, but obviously not. It's a problem as he eats so little that it seems to go hard whichever method you use. My vet said no oils, so wasn't sure how to fry anything??
My microwave makes shrieking noises so think it's just ok to reheat human food.....nothing important like cat food.

I am very edgy cos he's unwell and there is another contaminated food scandal but this time with no names of products - will post another thread in case anyone finds out anything. He became ill after eating Hills canned minced chicken k/d. Someone in America says that this product is being tested for possible contaminants.

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2007, 10:37:30 AM »
I said in my last post ? :'(

I would not advise boiling becaus it will remove any flavour completly and the chicken will go rock hard

I would advise cut thin and fry in a little oil very slowly on mark 2 so it just simmers for 5-8 minutes a side. Cut the strips in two if they are thick. They do not need to be cooked right through and will be more tender if a little pink inside.
Cut really really thin strips  because cats can't chew very effectively and will simply swallow large lumps whole :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2007, 00:18:17 AM »
You just boil till they cooked. use just enough water but not too much.

Do you hasve a microwave cos if so its much quicker and easier in there?

I used to do Kockas chicken and you have to watch it carefully cos it cooks so quick and will go hard, also make sure its cooled down before feeding.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2007, 23:03:53 PM »
aaah, bl**dy binder caused him to vomit up his food tonight. I'll now have to stay up late so he can have a teaspoonful before bed. It looks like green slime/mud. Should probably feed it away from foods. Btw I can see why they say boiled chicken as the baked stuff's gone very hard after being in the fridge. So how long would I have to boil 2 chicken breasts for please as have no idea? thanks.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2007, 17:53:49 PM »
hi, just saw your post now, thanks :)
Swampy did another dodgy poo this morning, but nothing since. He's had some i/d and a little bit of baked chicken....I overcooked it but he's only going to have a small bit so he probably won't mind. He did look a bit surprised though as hasn't had anything but processed prescription food for a couple of years!
He's drinking and at the moment isn't dehydrated but I will definitely ask the vet next week just in case, if it goes on. Is that something you add to his water? Or do you syringe it in his mouth?
I found the name of his raised blood count and it's eosinophils. Normally his cold makes them a bit up, but they are right up. He's going to have his blood tested for a new reading on them on tuesday. His breath's still a bit  :sick: and his coat's not shiny like normal, but he's ok right now. Vet said he'd refuse to do any invasive tests at his age, so we treat symptomatically if it goes on.
thanks for your support!  :thanks:

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2007, 14:52:04 PM »
you are doing all the right things .He's probably just got a tummy bug like we get from time to time.

 Keep a good check on his weight. Don't let him get too dehydrated as they go off drinking and eating and can go downhill real quick.
I would let him eat as much as he wants unless the vet advises otherwise because at least he will be getting some water replacement.

 mango should also be getting some re-hydration salts too .Did the vet give you any hydrate packs ? ask for them if not . It is very important as he will be flushing out all his essential sodium and pottassium salts.

Cats don't need their food cooked like humans. In the wild all cats (including domestic) eat natural uncooked meat (fresh kills) surprisingly enough without any ill effects at all.

If you want to cook chicken I would advise cut thin and fry in a little oil very slowly on mark 2 so it just simmers for 5-8 minutes a side. Cut the strips in two if they are thick. They do not need to be cooked right through and will be more tender if a little pink inside.
Cut really really thin strips  because cats can't chew very effectively and will simply swallow large lumps whole . You could try pilchards, tuna, or sardines etc only packed in brine though not oil Drain off excess liquid and rinse to reduce the brine. He would probably love a little of that cheap pre-packed turkey/ham too
« Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 14:56:40 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2007, 14:34:41 PM »
Fingers crossed for him - and the bad breath could be a sign of something too.
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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2007, 10:33:08 AM »
Aw  :hug: to you both.....hope he's feeling better soon x

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2007, 14:40:43 PM »
me again. Vet's put him on a binder and probiotic powder in his nosh. Blood tests on tuesday and until then, only small amounts of i/d. He was really nice today and said I can text him over the weekend if we are very worried. Mr Swamp came back from the vets and wanted nosh so got a leeetle bit which so far is still in the tum (which is full of gas; must explain his really bad breath!).
Only if his bloods aren't right and he's still pooing too horribly will he give him steroids or antibiotics, as he didn't have a temp. 
« Last Edit: June 08, 2007, 14:41:31 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2007, 09:07:59 AM »
Swampy's done 4 poos of increasing horribleness poor love, since 5pm last night. So he's back off to the vet this morning - maybe antibiotics?? His easophils or easophytes or whatever (part of white count) were right up and he nearly got an antibiotic injection last time. I didn't give him his Destolit this morning. He ate really well yesterday - 1/2 can i/d and then i/d can or thereabouts, maybe a bit more, of blended/liquidised minced chicken k/d. He has eaten that before (unliquidised) so it's not a reaction to a 'new' food. Max had the same and is fine.
I'm really concerned about what's going on with him now as he's not had diarrhoea before.

He was a maniac this morning, walking round the flat yowling with big black eyes and I weighed him - 200g less since yesterday. So I gave him about 1/6th can i/d as I couldn't bear starving him when he was so wild with hunger. He ate that at 7.30 so it's 1 1/2 hours later and he's asleep so hope it doesn't come straight out again. I think he may have some inflammation in his bowel & that changing him from l/d hasn't helped, but not sure what to do. I rang Hills who said the i/d has twice the phosphorus of the k/d; it is 80g of dry matter.
I think he's going to have to be on i/d for another few days - last time he had diarrhoea on sunday and by wednesday I was giving him 1/2 kd and 1/2 i/d. Maybe too soon?

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2007, 10:14:05 AM »
thanks good chefs! I think I'll pass on the boiled bit and try baking it in some foil. I can always feed it to the OH :)

Swampy is better today and has eaten some i/d and is brighter. His bloods revealed his ALT up a tiny bit, his kidney readings down a tiny bit (now within normal range - upper end) but raised aesophils or phytes or whathaveyou, which means some infection or allergy, which the vet is worried about. NOT his usual snuffly allergy as much higher readings. He has no temp so vet is holding off on antibiotics unless he gets worse. But wants to redo the bloods in a week or two and see him in a week.

He accepted that the Fortekor lowered his quality of life so we are off it for the moment. He says it's the best vet drug in ages though and he has loads of symptom-less cats on it. I wondered if we could use it sometimes if it could be a 10 day treatment?? He's not sure (it took 10 days for Swampy to get ill on it, of course that may not happen every time, and within 10 days his bloods were a little better). He seems more worried about his low urine concentration. Swampy does now cry for water if I've taken it away straight after eating (I do that for 10 mins to avoid regurg....but gradually let him have little by little from the Evian bottle!).
He was very nice though and says to try blending the k/d to see if he'll eat it again from tomorrow if theres' no more diarrhoea as it's way the best food for kidneys, esp if no fortekor.
HA! He claims only burmese won't eat k/d cos they are pedigree and fussy. I said no, Hills had done a betise (dumb thing) putting chewy chunks of rice in the k/d for sick old kitties, who just like a nice nosh to lick up!
We also discussed phosphorus binders (he doesn't think they work that well) and giving him vitamin B drops (paediatric) as he may be peeing out all his vitamin B. 

Oh I'm so tired, this was meant to go in the Fortekor thread!  I had a much needed laugh at the thought of fish in the dishwasher though :)  Can you imagine what your coffee mug may taste like afterwards????  :rofl:

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2007, 09:48:35 AM »
dont like the thought of the microwave.

There is good reason for that as I always forget to take the breasts out of the freezer and about 10 mins before the cats feeding time it is a mad dash, to defrost and cook, to be honest with you  although they look insipid they are really juicy (as they are almost steamed) in fact more juicy thaN the one we grill for ourselves. Jessica does not complain as she eats with relish.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 10:41:33 AM by Ela »

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2007, 08:13:45 AM »
I put mine in a casserole dish in the oven for 25 mins - never thought of cooking it any other way - dont like the thought of the microwave. Might try doing it a different way then - the cats didn't object to it done that way on Sun though.
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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2007, 20:44:57 PM »
The length of time depends only on when its cooked, so would put it/them in water but not a lot, make sure it doesnt dry up. Bring pan to boil and then let it simmer till its cooked.

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2007, 19:00:46 PM »
I think boiling takes the flaour out - OK if you are making soup I suppose. I breast takes about 15 minutes in the oven. You can always cook it with something else to save energy  ;D

As for fish, my decorator a couple of years ago said his daughter is a chef and she cooks fish by tying it up in a plastic bag and putting it in the dishwasher (obviously with a full load) and it cooks perfectly. I haven't tried it - I would be scared that there would be a leak - but it sounds plausible.

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Offline Ela

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 18:07:17 PM »
Would 1/2 hr be too long?

Pass, I have no idea,  I would think that all the goodness would have gone if you boiled them for that long  though. But what do I know, not a lot.

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 15:00:21 PM »
I've no idea how long you would boil them for ..... if you wanted to oven cook them, it would be about 20/25 mins at about gas mark 5/6 depending on your oven.  I loosly wrap in foil as it keeps the moisture in the meat  ;D

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Re: Diarrhoea: what to do/ what's caused it?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 14:47:53 PM »
Ela, I can only cook veg curry so help me out here.  My microwave is bonkers - it makes screeching noises, so let's talk hob and boiling in a pot. The breasts are a packet of 2 small ones, skinless so can't weigh much. Would 1/2 hr be too long?


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