One of my neighbours friends came round on Sun to pick up some food that my spoilt brats wont eat, hopefully hers will! She is like me, ended up with more cats than she wanted as she was feeding cats at her work, then when they shut the factory, she got CP to help her trap them, and had them in her spare room to introduce them gradually, although her existing cats are a lot friendlier than mine so didn’t have to confine them quite as long. When I said that it wasn’t my choice to keep these two, as it broke my promise to Lucy, she said ‘but sometimes needs must, and they seem content in here’, which I was pleased about. Bizarrely neither of them ran away, even though Chanel was in the open on the floor, and neither hissed, although Coco’s body language wasn’t great, she was laid in a really odd position with her ears flat. She gave them two treats each, which they ignored but had gone by the time we got back from shopping. Then I was telling her about Lucy, and she was in awe at how in tune with my cats I am, and the things I’ve done for them. She didn’t say much about the catio, although she already knew about that, but she was really impressed with the den. I think the combination of that and the catio is the reason it is working as well. Was looking for a new litter scoop in the wardrobe last night, and realised that now I’m not fostering, I don’t need the amount of stuff that is in there (beds, blankets, trays, scoops), so I think I might sort through it all and take it to the charity Lucy is from, or even split it between them and the charity the girls are from. It did dawn on me while I was sweeping their room on Sun that the charity never came back to me about the adoption fee, although that makes it a tad awkward as I also haven’t had the microchip details. I also like the fact that while Chanel was born outside and has human trust issues due to that, she came in early enough that even though she is 2 this year, she is still very kittenish and playful, whereas Coco is still unsure what play is, although she is getting better, she even attempted to play with Da Bird last week, that normally scares her – wish I had an idea how old she is.