Meet new foster cat Lola, who hasn’t had a great start, so is a bit confused about the whole stroking thing, so we are hoping some one-on-one in a home environment, and some gentle teaching will improve her behaviour so she can be homed. She enjoys a fuss, which is good, but you can be stroking her one minute and the next you’ll get a nip. I think they are more love nips than aggression though, partly because of how little they hurt, and partly because her body language doesn’t indicate aggression, and she will nip your left hand and then headbut your right one!! Her tail seems constantly fluffed though. She isn’t good at being left though, when you go to move her to leave, she will hiss, and I’m obviously wary at the moment in case she takes that any further. She’s a tiny little thing though, so hopefully won’t do as much damage as Lucy.