Oh he's a stunner, Hollie!
When we brought Malt and Barley home, they were absolutely petrified of everything and spent a lot of time hiding themselves away, huddled together for support. They'd been found dumped in a cardboard box in a woman's front garden.
We would use food as a lure, too.
After about 2 months, we could touch them when they were taking food from us but never any other time. After about 8 months, we were able to touch and stroke Barley, lift her up and put her down. Alas, Malt would still shy away from touch.
After about 10 months, Malt would accept touch but was still wary, whereas Barley was turning into a real snuggler who enjoys her treadle times, as well as sleeping in between her Ma and Pa in bed (still doesnt like to be picked up tho, which is okay with us).
We've had them now for 17 months and Malt now enjoys being stroked for a short period, and will lean into a scritch. We get "happy tail" from her when she sees us, and we speak to her. She still won't countenance being picked up, and will lash out in total panic if she thinks there's any risk you'll try to hold or restrain her, but she's come a long way in 18 months, and we're not in any hurry.
Rosella, another "thank you" for the Groucho video. He is such a gorgeous boy. Can't believe he's 7 already. Stlll seems like yesterday when he was just brought to your door.