Just done her 3 monthly bloods, her calcium levels are up to 3.09 (think the top end of normal is 2.9), the worrying thing is I expected them to come back normal, she is full of energy, and apart from a fur ball last week, she hasn’t been sick for over 2 weeks, although that could be why she is extra grumpy with the foster cats. So looks like I was right to be concerned, although yet again, I’m concerned about her kidneys and it’s really her calcium levels, although her calcium could have made the SDMA go up (was 13, now 16, top end of normal is 14) – I did mention my concern about calcified kidneys to the vet, and we are going to do SDMA every 3 months with her calcium levels. She is hopefully going for an ionized calcium test next Tue. I was concerned as I knew her behaviour meant something, but as it’s the opposite of last time (and the opposite of all the textbook symptoms), calcium didn’t come into my head, I had her T4 tested!! Being asymptomatic/opposite this time is a worry, I am going to be in the same position as Buster where we will have to do 3 monthly bloods to monitor things. It just feels never ending at the moment.