Dylan destroyed the back of my sofa but I'd rather have Dylan than a fancy sofa anyway.
You want to see what my little horrors have done to my house
They've wrecked all my door frames even though they have cat posts all over the house, they've wrecked my banister post and my bedding box and god knows what else. See, I think animals are ungrateful, I take them in, put a roof over their head, feed them, give them lots of cuddles and in return, I get my house wrecked, and I get scratched and bit......where's the justice in that
The parrots have chewed my door frame and my beams in both lounge and dining room, they've chewed numerous things around the house, usually wreck anything that's on the kitchen side or anything within reach but all in all, I wouldn't change them for the world........hubby might but I know he'd miss them if they weren't here