Two doses in and I've only got one scratch up my arm so far!
He's not enjoying it at all - the cat burrito method failed as he wouldn't lie down for me to get his front feet secured before being able to wrap him up, so we are resorting to tucking him betweeen my legs so he's facing away from me (reversing into my lap), then popping the syringe in the side of his mouth. He hates the medication, so I've been making up a second syringe with tuna water in, so he gets a bit of that first, then I switch between the two so he never knows what he's getting! 2ml is just a bit too much to get in in one go bless him, and so far about three portions is working.
First time (after the failed burrito) was actually fairly easy, but second time he knew what was coming and was considerably less cooperative and much squirmier - hence the first war wound! DH offered to help, but the problem is we have to do this for five days, and he will be at work for the last three so I'll have to do the, solo anyway!