Author Topic: Roaming cat.  (Read 30901 times)

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #94 on: July 14, 2007, 22:01:30 PM »

The reason why I haven't come forward to offer Seb my proverbial offer of the spare room, while you await the Glasgow result - if that's the way you intend going - is not because he is potentially FIV positive, but because he is unneutered. Try keeping a tom used to roaming in one room and he'll tear the door down eventually. Or escape by dashing past someone coming in to feed him. And if he did, he would no doubt come face to face with my Jumpy... Normally, Jumpy tolerates visitor cats well. But as an unneutered tom, Seb is certainly a territorial threat and I can't take the risk of a battle effecting Jumpy's heart disease.

If Seb is positive, will you still keep him? If you will, get him neutered first - then get the test. If you won't keep him, he still needs to be neutered before anyone else can act to find him an indoor home. Once he has been relieved of his family jewelry, the fighting will stop and so will 90% of the risk of blood-blood contamination if he is positive. The only case I can see for testing him before neutering is if the result dictates him being PTS.

I can only offer my personal experience of a brush with FeLV. When I adopted Tilly from Battersea, we were also going to adopt her pal, whom we had to wait for whilst she was weaning kittens. Tilly's pal was due to be free in a couple of weeks after we took Tilly home. A few days later, the Battersea vet called us to say that Tilly's pal and the kittens had tested FeLV pos. Both Mum and babies were PTS.  :'( They wanted me to bring Tilly back for the test... I'm afraid they are still waiting.  :evillaugh: I took the decision that Tilly would be happy as an indoor cat if needs be, had her tested independently and she was negative. The only thing the result effected for me was whether she was allowed out or not. The only thing the result effected as far as Battersea were concerned, was whether she lived or died. Big difference!

Now, I know you've got some big thinking to do, CC, but if I were you and you really want to help Seb, focus on his future as an FIV positive cat. Could you find him an indoor home?

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #93 on: July 14, 2007, 21:52:55 PM »
Yeah, it's in email your email address and I'll send it to you  :)


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #92 on: July 14, 2007, 21:48:32 PM »
Some rescues may offer to take would be worth a try but make sure they don't take him, and then put him down.

Thats another BIG concern.  :scared:

Could you send the FIV article, is it an email?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 21:54:17 PM by ccmacey »

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #91 on: July 14, 2007, 21:45:23 PM »
North East where?.......not road or anything but area so I can put a few feelers out just in case.  If you can get some piccies and send me the details, I'll see what I can do in the meantime.

Some rescues may offer to take would be worth a try but make sure they don't take him, and then put him down.


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #90 on: July 14, 2007, 21:42:53 PM »
North East dont have any pics but can get some, when he turns up. He looks like the Felix cat but more white. I think he may be about 3?

I do have a soft spot for him though so he will only need to be rehomed if he has FIV or my cats wont take to him.

I know there are other cat rescues around here but would they take on an FIV cat?

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #89 on: July 14, 2007, 21:35:12 PM »
With the in-house test he could test negative and still have it. Equally he could test postive and not have it so it's really not worth the risk.
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Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #88 on: July 14, 2007, 21:34:05 PM »
What area are you in and have you got any piccies of him?


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #87 on: July 14, 2007, 21:33:12 PM »
Where could I find him a home? Obviously my local CP dont want to take him. Im quite willing to let him live here if thats what he wants only if he tests neg though.

That sounds awful

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #86 on: July 14, 2007, 21:28:29 PM »
If the test will be done in 10 minutes, then it's an inhouse and totally unreliable.  The fact he comes in with battle scars doesn't mean he'll be the instigator in a fight and nor does it mean he'll have FIV.   The fact he isn't neutered, he will be picked on by all unneutered toms, as they all want to be top cat in their territory.  Once neutered, most toms do settle down........I took George in about 4 years ago, he was battle scarred, and looked tired and was limping, he should have been returned to where he came from but soft cow here, felt sorry for him so he stayed.  He is the softest lump going and all he wants is a comfy spot, a warm place and food and he's happy......he doesn't start any squabbles and is just happy to be.

If I was in your shoes, I would get him neutered and tested but in the mean time, try and get a home lined up just in case he is positive.  If he's FIV, it doesn't mean that he has to be ill or that he'll pass it on, you only have to read the literature and the post on here to see that an FIV plus can live a long healthy life.  Cats pass it on through fighting and the passing of bodily fluids......if he's no nuts, he won't be mating and chances are he won't be fighting either  ;)  

Just tell the CP you have a home lined up........they won't know any different, get him neutered whether positive or not, and then we'll try and sort something out for him.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 21:30:06 PM by Dawn (DiddyDawn) »

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #85 on: July 14, 2007, 21:27:45 PM »
and CP def won't pay for the Glasgow test? Can you afford to pay the difference in cost between the in-house one and the Glasgow one? Just wondered if that might be a way to get the Glasgow one done.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 21:28:11 PM by Team Svartalfheim's »
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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #84 on: July 14, 2007, 21:24:05 PM »
Its the CP thats paying for the tests, and she said theres no point in doing the op if he is pos, so what can I do?

Offline Team Svartalfheims

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #83 on: July 14, 2007, 21:20:35 PM »
I thought the test would be one of those in-house tests, she said it takes about 10 mins. Do they cost about £40?

Yes in hosue tests usually take 10mins although some vets will phone a few hours later with the results. It's better to pay the extra and get the definitive Glasgow test done as the in-house one can have false positives and false negatives.
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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #82 on: July 14, 2007, 21:18:12 PM »
I thought the test would be one of those in-house tests, she said it takes about 10 mins. Do they cost about £40?

He is a fighter, he comes with battle scars all over his face.

I've only lived here for 10 months so I don't know how he is around the neighbourhood, there don't seem to be that many cats around here. My cats have had their jabs and they tend to stay near home and in the nearby gardens.

The only reason I wanted him tested is he may come to live here and I don't want to put my cats at risk, him and Ted have a good slagging match you see and he goes for my others.

I don't know whats best for him, get him tested and try and introduce him to my home or not get him tested and he will have to go back on the streets?

Even if he does test pos would the CP not let me have him back?

I have been told if he does test pos not to let him back on the streets as he may infect other cats and really I don't think I could cope with that as some cats that carry FIV/ FIVL don't show signs and can be ok but other cats could get ill very quickly and die. I don't think that would be fair as I have been through that myself.

Swings and roundabouts.  :-:

Yes Dawn could you send me that article, thanks.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 21:21:38 PM by ccmacey »

Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #81 on: July 14, 2007, 19:15:02 PM »
Personally, I only test cats if they are poorly and if I had one in positive, I would not pts unless they were ill with it.  FIV is quite hard to transmit and if the cat isn't a fighter and he gets his nuts chopped, then chances of it passing on FIV are virtually nil.  The fact the cat is already living in the neighbourhood and has been mixing with the other cats, it's pointless having it done imho, if it's going to be transfered, chances are it would have done so by now and as others have said, peeps may be surprised if they all had theirs tested.  I would read up all the literature on FIV before making this non reversiable decision..........once the decision is made, there is no turning back!!  I've got a good FIV article I can send you CC if you want it.

Modified to add  It sounds like your vets are going to be doing an inhouse test..........a lot of healthy cats have been put to sleep on a stupid inhouse test, when in fact, they've tested negative when the proper test in Glasgow has been performed.  If you're going to go along with this, at least make sure they send the test away so he's not pts for nothing.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 19:17:45 PM by Dawn (DiddyDawn) »


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #80 on: July 13, 2007, 19:31:07 PM »
I know, just peeps making my head spin incase he does have to be PTS.

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #79 on: July 13, 2007, 19:26:44 PM »
I know this sound's harsh on Seb and I do like him but I have to look after number 1, 2, 3 and 4.

You are not sounding harsh, just realistic. You have to do what is right for you and your family.
You are doing Seb a favour by taking him to the vets, whatever the outcome, He cannot be allowed wondering the streets it is not fair on him or other cats FIV or not.


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #78 on: July 13, 2007, 19:22:40 PM »
I will have him tested and then will have to go from there. Like Ela said this virus can be passed on and I'm not keeping up with their jabs just to bring danger into their home, its not fair on them. I have more feelings and love for my own cats and need to do whats right by them. I cant risk loosing one or all of them for my own selfishness.

I know this sound's harsh on Seb and I do like him but I have to look after number 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Don't get me wrong I am feeling like total poo about this.

Anyway start sending the good vibes he will be ok  ;D

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #77 on: July 13, 2007, 19:21:37 PM »
If your child was HIV positive, would you have him/her euthanised? Or isolated?

If it were my own cat and I found it FIV+ or FeLV then I would keep the little one as it would have already mixed with the rest of the family. However, I would not  knowingly take in a FIV cat, knowing my own cats are all neg. I just would not take the risk. As I have mentioned numerous times we home many FIV cats but only as indoor cats and to homes where there are no other cats or a resident FIV cat.

CC has stated
Another reason I want him tested is because I have already lost a kitty to some sort of virus and I couldn't go through that again. Its not fair to put my own cats at risk.
and I think we must respect her wishes about that.

Hopefully Seb will be neg but the only other  thing I could suggest is would anyone on here be prepared to take him should he prove FIV+?
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 19:22:44 PM by Ela »

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #76 on: July 13, 2007, 19:09:39 PM »
Thyroid and diabetes need more care and attention than fiv and they dont kill those cats off, its discrimination i cry!!!  

I suppose the thinking behind  that is  Thyroid and diabetes cannot be passed on and can be treated. Where as it is possible to pass on FIV. Although as you know we in Chesterfield do keep FIV cats that are otherwise well until we can find them an indoor home. Equally I know that before I was Co-ordinator and had the idea of a FIV unit in a very short space of time they had 38 cats tested and 35 were FIV+. That would I expect have been an impossible for the Co-ordinator at the time as they were and we still are always full and long waiting lists.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #75 on: July 13, 2007, 19:06:14 PM »
I'm also against testing, which is why P and S have never been tested. They were feral/semi-feral before I took them on, so have most probably been in contact with the virus, as have many cats.

A lot of cats have a natural immunity to FLV/FIV, catch the virus, then throw it off. These would nevertheless test positive to the anitbody test, as the antibodies developed in throwing off the virus (conferring lifelong immunity) would still be in their body. Many cats carry the virus, but never develop the actual illness, instead they die from kidney disease, old age, RTA, or any of the other things which kills cats. Of those who carry the virus, only a small proportion go on to develop illnesses related to it.

One thing I discovered years ago when Minnie was ill was that very few vets understand the pathology of FLV or FIV and I was having constant arguments with those who wanted Minnie pts because she had an illness and was FLV positive. My argument was that the existence of the virus was coincidental. It was, she lived a healthy life for another 4years.

When I found a vet who knew more that I did, I stuck with him. He didn't advise pts, but treated the infection, which she overcame.

If you do have Seb tested, make sure you have the more expensive VIRUS test, not the ANTIBODY test. Many cats who have thrown the virus off will test positive for the antibody test when they do not carry the virus.

I wouldn't have him tested, but would introduce him into your household.

If your child was HIV positive, would you have him/her euthanised? Or isolated? Surely you'd just avoid body fluid contact with other children. The infection process of FIV/FLV are very similar to HIV, except that cats have an immunity to their diseases, humans have no immunity to HIV. (By the way, there is no cat to human transmission.)

Whatever you decide, I hope all goes well.
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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #74 on: July 13, 2007, 19:00:45 PM »
Vet says it wouldn't be good to keep him with other cats if he is pos, so I couldn't risk it for my Kitty's sake.

Gill, Ted and Seb do fight and I know Seb is a fighter cos he has war wounds.

Another reason I want him tested is because I have already lost a kitty to some sort of virus and I couldn't go through that again. Its not fair to put my own cats at risk.

Less of this talk now Seb is going to be fine and hopefully I'll be able to get my cats to like him  :sneaky:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 19:02:21 PM by ccmacey »

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #73 on: July 13, 2007, 18:59:40 PM »
I'm sure that's quite true Ela, as most peoples perceptions of FIV = a very sick cat, where many outdoor cats could have the virus, and their owners would never know unless they had them tested specifically, as they can be healthy for years, and maybe never even show any signs of having it.

Having dealt with FIV cats for many years I myself would not be shocked but so many people do not know that cats cat even have FIV. I think almost every day I am told that by at least one person, so I think it is a shock for many.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #72 on: July 13, 2007, 17:03:37 PM »
Thyroid and diabetes need more care and attention than fiv and they dont kill those cats off, its discrimination i cry!!!  :boxer:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #71 on: July 13, 2007, 16:51:50 PM »
I would not have him tested just neutered and I would be happy for him to mix with my cats as long as they did not fight.

I also do not believe in this testing cos I dont think it serves any useful purpose.

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #70 on: July 13, 2007, 16:20:56 PM »
Clare thats why im mostly anti testing. My girls could have it as they had repeated meetings with toms before i got them but they are healthy and happy and i believe they pose no threat to other cats so i wont test them.

CC, it takes a deep bite to spread it, not sharing food bowls, trays etc.

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #69 on: July 13, 2007, 13:16:01 PM »
Are you happy to have him mix with your cats if he is not tested? I actually think as I have posted before that if everyone had their cats tested then many folks would be in for a shock.

I'm sure that's quite true Ela, as most peoples perceptions of FIV = a very sick cat, where many outdoor cats could have the virus, and their owners would never know unless they had them tested specifically, as they can be healthy for years, and maybe never even show any signs of having it.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 13:16:43 PM by clarenmax »

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Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #68 on: July 13, 2007, 13:14:28 PM »
The only opiton is not to have him tested.

Are you happy to have him mix with your cats if he is not tested? I actually think as I have posted before that if everyone had their cats tested then many folks would be in for a shock.


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #67 on: July 13, 2007, 12:58:39 PM »
Right I was told off CP that if he does test pos he will be PTS. The only opiton is not to have him tested. Argh what shall  I do? I asked the vet and she said if he is pos I couldnt keep him with already having cats, she said if thats CP's policy then thats what they will have to do.

Im hoping as he did have an owner thats gone AWOL that he will be ok. He's been coming round with lots of scratches on his face obviously been fighting, I just hope its not been with a pos cat.  :shy:

The tests will be carried out before he has the op as there is no point in doing the op if he is pos, this is what I've been told.

What could I do with him if he is pos???

I deflead him the other night and he is booked in for next wed.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2007, 20:17:22 PM »
CC please dont let him be pts if hes fiv+, its not a horrible rampant disease. So much for CP being no kill unless its suffering. Complete grapes.  >:(

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #65 on: July 12, 2007, 19:49:52 PM »
I don't agree with having positive cats pts, and wish some rescues didn't have this policy

I agree with you but  nowadays rescues do not have room for cats that are 100% well, so sadly choices have to be made. Having said that as you know our branch of CP do have facilities for FIV cats. We can take up to 6 and right now we have 6. I dread to think if another cat is tested FIV +  and apart from that well and domestic before we have homed one.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #64 on: July 12, 2007, 19:03:28 PM »
Not all rescues have positive cats pts. Some have separate facilities for them and try to find indoor homes where they'll be the only cat.

I've had two FLV cats. This was before FIV testing was recommended. As far as I'm aware FLV isn't that infectious - it's just passed by body fluid exchange.

I don't agree with having positive cats pts, and wish some rescues didn't have this policy.

Wishing Seb all the best.
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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #63 on: July 12, 2007, 18:38:26 PM »
I know HK its awful, I hope Seb is ok and I can keep him.

At least I know what to expect if he does have it.  :(

When I got the other stray sorted they didnt tell me that he would have to be PTS if he was pos untill he was actually at the vets, my head was up my behind and I felt like a murderer. Thankfully he was ok and now he's living in a good home.  :)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #62 on: July 12, 2007, 18:32:15 PM »
There's no clear cut answer to this terrible dilemma.

I hope he tests negative and you can keep him.   :hug:
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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #61 on: July 12, 2007, 18:29:02 PM »
Just have to pray I can catch him on Tues and that he tests negative. What more can I do  :shy:

I suppose it wouldnt be fair of me to let him carry on running around possibly infecting other cats so I know he will have to be PTS.   :(

Please pray that he isnt.

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2007, 13:44:21 PM »
B- if he tests positive he will be PTS.

ARGH I cant do right either way.

Although this is something we would not do if the cat was otherwise well. Many rescues just do not have the facilities for FIV/FeLV cats.

If you or someone you know cannot find somewhere for it to go until a home could be found, what is the alternative? Most rescues would not sanction a FIV?FeLV cat to put be put back out again as they would consider it irresponsible.

It is all so sad. Far too many cats are testing FIV+ and not many rescue places for them to go.


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #59 on: July 12, 2007, 12:17:51 PM »
Right have phoned CP and asked for them to do the tests, the very kind lady said yes  ;D

Right now all I have to worry about is-

A- catching him the night before, I seen him last night but before that was Sunday, I just don't know when he's going to turn up  :tired:

B- if he tests positive he will be PTS.

ARGH I cant do right either way.  :(


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2007, 12:29:24 PM »
I will phone tomorrow and ask if they will do the tests, its the only way I would feel comfortable with keeping him.  :shy:

He's only been coming for about 6 months and I have been trying to contact his "owner" with no response. He doesn't come into the house because of my other cats. I don't think he has been going home as every time I see him he looks worse, he's got skinny and has battle scars on his face which wernt there when he first started coming round.

So this leads me to the conclusion that he cant be going home because if he were my cat coming home in this state I would of done something about it.

Maybe his "owner" thinks he is now living with me? Maybe thats why she hasn't called if she hasn't seen him?

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #57 on: July 08, 2007, 12:10:31 PM »
She said she is off on hols for 2 weeks so someone else must be in charge maybe I could ask them?

I think you should, as you know I would have automatically have done this if it were in our area. As you are possibly keeping the cat I would think they should be more than happy to oblige, as it is one less to go on their waiting list.

The reason I feel rude for asking is they have helped me with a stray before and paid for the virus tests and I didnt contrabute anything towards it. Does this type of thing come under ways that the CP can help or should I be paying for them??

Yes it should, as you may know not all rescues help strays, (not in our area anyway) and CP is there to help all casts gifted or strays. They only time I feel a little uncomfortable about 'strays' is when people ask for help with a stray. yet they have been feeding it and allowing it into their home for years. As soon as it needs attention it becomes a 'stray' again. Although the bottom line is if  a cat needs help and the owner cannot or wont provide it I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't help.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 12:16:19 PM by Ela »


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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #56 on: July 08, 2007, 10:44:12 AM »
Got the voucher sorted, but thanks anyway.  :)

Had to phone CP again as I hadnt recieved the first one and lady said it will be here by the middle of the week, so had to let Seb out and just hope he shows up again.

I had to give all my details again to the CP so dont know if she forgot to send it first time or what? And she never mentioned anything about getting the vet to flea and worm him this time. I really want him tested though because if he is going to become a resident I dont want him to be a danger to my cats.

She never said anything about testing him and because I feel rude I never asked.  :doh:

She said she is off on hols for 2 weeks so someone else must be in charge maybe I could ask them?

The reason I feel rude for asking is they have helped me with a stray before and paid for the virus tests and I didnt contrabute anything towards it. Does this type of thing come under ways that the CP can help or should I be paying for them??

Offline Ela

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Re: Roaming cat.
« Reply #55 on: July 08, 2007, 10:18:04 AM »
If you need a voucher please remember I can give you a full cost voucher, as there may be a problem with the post I could always have a word with the vet for you and confirm I will send them a voucher the day of the op  if necessary


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