I gave in to instinct and took him. He just wasn't looking right and was becoming less responsive. The vet couldn't feel anything, and his mouth looked fine, but said that cats are hard to diagnose when they just stop eating. He is dehydrated but not massively so - obviously it will get worse the longer he goes without food or drink. He had had a tiny poo in the carrier and a wee - the poo wasn't normal but he does stress diarohea when he is in the carrier so it wasn't abnormal for him in that situation. It did have red in it though which could have been blood.
He has stayed in to be rehydrated and having his bloods tested. He had a temperature as well. I did have the option to bring him home as I know he will be stressed at the vets but I wouldn't be able to get him to eat (it wasn't that he wanted to eat and couldn't, it was that he has no interest at all in it). The cat ward is separate from the dogs and given that he is poorly he will probably sleep.
So glad I didn't spend a lot of money on my shopping trip today! Minimum £300 for his consultation, hospitalisation and bloods.
Between him and Sky, my insurance company will love me! I was going to cancel it last year.....dreading renewal!
Thanks for the help