Author Topic: Nine Cats all got to go.....  (Read 5768 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2016, 14:05:10 PM »
Just took a peek at some images of the South Holland Drain, and I don't think it would present too much of a hazard to be honest.  No more so than water courses in general.   Cats general habits in the great outdoors are to follow hedgerows, lanes and roads, preferring areas of cover to being out in the open.

As Liz has already commented, most cats will rub along with wildlife without too much difficulty.  Sometimes an elderly, sick or injured animal may be prone to a fox attack, but cats generally have less of an issue in this respect than say, a rabbit or a ground roosting bird, which offers less resistance.  They also have a healthy sense of self preservation and I cant think many would venture down an active badger sett or fox den, due to the pervading scents.

Hope these posts and others will help with your decision.

Offline Liz

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2016, 09:36:44 AM »
Being of the rural location like no street lights, single track un classified roads and of course our own bumpy track we have foxes, badgers - a sett in the garden in the stream bank and one in the woods also deer, birds of prey by the bucket, red squirrels and lots of pheasants we have no issue with foxes, badgers and cats in any way shape or form and my outside ferals live happily with them as do my own lot including the dirty stop outs who sometimes fail to come in of an evening

Mine tend to jump the stream although some have ended up in it with no ill effects
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline barney101

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2016, 01:54:40 AM »
Ok thanks for the replies, just a couple more questions ;D If you don't mind.... There's a possibility we may end up going to Wisbech it's ideal as there are no cars where this particular cottage is located and there are no neighbours... So I'll be in heaven... :rofl: The first question is; The cottage is literally 60m from the South Holland drain there is also a 20-30ft drop down a bank in to this drain.... Think more of a river than a drain, but a drain is what it is. Is it likely or probable that the cats would venture into or near this... I know anything is possible and they will have plenty of outbuildings as well as at least 3/4 acre of land to play around on..... But this drain is kind of preventing me from being fully committed.......
The other thing is rural foxes, at the moment we live in Dagenham we have the occasional urban foxes, in fact a couple of years ago one came in and slept in the bath... not a problem with the cats... but are rural foxes different? Also at the end of the garden there are quite a few fox holes / dens.... Is it likely / probable the cats may venture out of curiosity down these holes.... thanks for your time / advice

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2016, 10:49:11 AM »
I used an animal courier to go from Carmarthen to Wooton-under-Edge, in Glos, and back again - because transporting guard dogs was his speciality, he had a large secure inner cage inside the van, which would have held 4 or 5 cats with ease, plus litter tray(s) and bedding, and room for them to move around in  - though it's worth noting, perhaps, that my one cat preferred to stay inside his carrier, which I left with the door open, for the whole 4 hour journey - I think many cats like the security of being in their own familiar enclosed space when in unfamiliar surroundings

and he took me along too which made the whole journey so much easier for both of us
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Offline Liz

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2016, 09:58:37 AM »
Another route to look at is a pet courier I have several friends who moved cats this way vans are all kitted out with every modcon and they usually do a reasonable discount for larger numbers - Sue Yates over on FB has moved some rescues for us and is wonderful
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2016, 01:39:07 AM »
Well that photo obviously shows you the way to go..................NOT :rofl:
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Offline barney101

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2016, 01:06:06 AM »
When you say you don't want to use a specialist transport provider, can I ask why?  Just curious.  My stepdaughter used one when they returned from Spain as they'd had a poor experience flying their pets out.  I know they were impressed at the level of care.

Sorry missed this question..... I guess maybe because I'm looking for something a little bit different than my own van, but when I look online I'm seeing smaller vans being used than what I've got and many of them are using or least showing that they are using normal size cat carriers...... To be fair to the animal transport providers, I'm not entirely sure what to expect or what is recommended for long road journeys..... Maybe I've set my targets for comfort level and luxury for them a little to high........ I may just stick them all on the roof...... :evillaugh:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2016, 21:50:09 PM »
No use with logistics,  but I can highly recommend the Zylkene, it has completely calmed my large CPL 'foster' to my other cats and now they are getting it as well as Merlin became laid back and then they still wouldn't take to him, at the moment  my strange little hissy girl cat Bob is lying about two feet from him, both snoozing happily so I can't praise the Zylkene enough.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2016, 20:37:51 PM »
If I had money and wanted to ever move again, I would go to Scotland, but make sure the vet isn't hundreds of miles away .
I saw a beautiful place with land which I could afford not long back, but the vet was about 100 miles away .
It was up in the remote highlands .
I wouldn't go to Ireland as heard their animal welfare is awful .

My sister has lived in north Wales for about 35 years and olives it there , she isn't Welsh either .

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2016, 19:45:07 PM »
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo not Wales and not Carmarthen!

English are not welcomed here and I live in Carmarthenshire, apart from an area in N Wales its the most nationalist part of wales.

The weather is also atrocious!

Offline barney101

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2016, 18:40:56 PM »
Hi guys, thanks for the information... funny I've had Mollie for 11 years now her off-spring Barney and Toffee all get on and laid back with all the others, most of the others get on with each other but require their own space.... Two Sophie and Spangles don't get on together indoors and tiptoe in slow motion around one another indoors, but once outside are best buddies..... not sure my van is suitable as I can only get two in the front and the rear has no windows or purpose ventilation though I could get that sorted I suppose.... Funny but I've also looked at several places in Wales, wasn't really welcomed in North Wales but Carmarthen and Ceredigion are still possibilities and have properties in the middle of nowhere with plenty of land which is what I'm after.... I also keep reading that I should keep them all indoors for 2 weeks is this correct?   

Offline Liz

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2016, 14:41:46 PM »
We moved 37 Cats 10 years ago when we relocated to the Clan homestead in Sunny Aberdeenshire, as we had ferals we used ACP tablets from the vets so most slept through the journey which was the hottest day of July in 2010

I had our 7 oldies and 2 dogs in the car an OH had the other 30 in cat boxes and dog crates where we teamed up the ferals and the move went well, just ensure you have a room set up in the new place with feliway plugged in and food and water bowls etc and a big sign on the door so nobody goes in when you are moving the furniture in

Zylkene take a couple of weeks to kick in so they would need to be on it for about 3 weeks before you move and for the same afterwards
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2016, 07:45:45 AM »
Wow.  How exciting.  I'd add to current advice by suggesting Puppy Pads to line the carriers (and plenty spare).  Pet Remedy do a fab calming spray as Gill mentioned - use it in the van and the carriers and use one of their plug ins about three days before departure - the packing up of the house contents may stress your cats anyway.

Zylkene is the supplement Gill mentioned.  You sprinkle it on their food.  It's great for helping to calm stressed cats so I'd suggest getting a few boxes in and begin using a few days before you travel and keep it up for a week afterwards too.

And- yet again, never EVER Open the cat carriers with a door, doors, or window open in the vehicle.  A stressed and frightened cat moves with incredible speed.

When you say you don't want to use a specialist transport provider, can I ask why?  Just curious.  My stepdaughter used one when they returned from Spain as they'd had a poor experience flying their pets out.  I know they were impressed at the level of care.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2016, 02:07:42 AM »
I travelled here which was right across the country from London to SW Wales a journey of about 6 hours and with my cat.

My thoughts for what they ae worth would be to buy some large crates like used by rescues and stack them in your van.I assume your van is fairly large??

Also aslo assuming that your cats get on together?

On large crate shou.d take at least two cats plus litter trays.

I think peeps on Purrs recommend pet remedy plug ins and should also come in a spray I would think. so your van could be sprayed with that as a calming thing..................practice with it in the house first and also with the cats in crates.................leave the doors open and put bedding in and toys and let them wander in and out at their leisure.

I will find a link to crates that I mean and add it.  needs to have a removable tray at bottom which will catch accidents and also give support to put bedding etc on. They will need to be firmly fixed to your van to stop them moving. Also to get ones big enought to allow cats space to move around.........I am sure a local rescue will take them off your hands should you want them to go after you have settled.

Someone else will be able to tell you about the effects of zycline sp? which I believe will also have a calming effect but is not a sedative which would not be good for them.

It maybe a cats chorus for an hour or so  :shify: :shify:  but suspect they will eventually go to sleep!

Take food and water, spare bedding and large plastic bags for wet bedding etc and stop at service stations regularily to feed give water and change litter trays and bedding if neccesary. Remember to always have the van doors shut when doing anything where the cats could escape!

I was lucky cos I was driven and my cat sat/lay in half her carrier wearing a harness which I could attach a lead and on stops she would take me walking round the service stations................people did double takes when they realized it ws a little cat not a dog  :rofl: :rofl:

We only stopped when she was awake or restless.

Good luck with your move, you can do it  ;D ;D ;D

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2016, 18:49:30 PM »
I managed to move away from an awful place recently , my friend helped me and she took all my 6 cats  in her car.
It wasn't too long a journey though, I think it was 2 and a half hours.
All cats arrived safe and sound and they love it here.
Any good friends ?
Good luck  I am sure someone will help.

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2016, 14:07:30 PM »
I'd have a nervous breakdown transporting 2 never mind 9!

How about something like these?  I haven't used them but they do seem a professional set up.

Offline barney101

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Nine Cats all got to go.....
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2016, 13:44:57 PM »
 :evillaugh: The good news is I've got to go with them :rofl: Ok I've decided that I want semi retirement and am in the process of selling my house to my neighbour, I'm also in the process of looking to head back into the countryside away from concrete and traffic currently looking at several places within a 200mile radius and we may even go further afield to the highlands... Still to decide.... Ideally I would like the cats to travel together in either one or two vehicles.... It's a nightmare for me to take them to the vets which is 3 miles away, it is totally impractical to have all nine in my van travelling halfway around the country and besides I wouldn't do it..... I don't relish the idea of them being cooped up in a cat box for 4 or 5 hours and slapped in the back of a van with 'animal ambulance' written on the side.... I need to know that although they might arrive slightly stressed, that they will arrive safely...... So who on here has any experience of such a move, any recommendations? The cost element is immaterial as long as the nine arrive safely.... I've just had them all recently checked and vaccinated by the vets to see whether they are all fit to travel and fortunately they are... So all nine are going.. :evillaugh: thanks for your time..... 


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