Author Topic: HELP - I need to re-home ‘BOO’ the cat and we are running out of time. (Unknown Outcome)  (Read 18109 times)

Offline Janeyk

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As there’s been no updates will move this to sorted now.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline sheilarose

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Call 03000 12 12 12

I'm sorry you have found yourself in this situation. It's sad you can't find a way to take Boo with you. However as mentioned in previous posts you are the owner of a Cats Protection cat, and that comes with one cast iron guarantee, that CP will take the cat back in when he needs to be rehomed. You signed a declaration to this effect when you adopted him so it's actually in your contract of ownership.

Please email your branch, I've put the link up there  :innocent: or call the national helpline and explain that Boo is a Coventry CP cat.

One of the many benefits of adopting from Cats Protection is this very aspect: the cat will alway be safe, whether you can keep him or not.

Good luck, please let us know how you get on.

Sheila Rose
Branch Coordinator
Waltham Forest Cats Protection.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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It's always difficult when you face a move of home, but when it involves another country and re-locating a cat, you have to think of what your cat needs as a priority, and I think from the circumstances you outline, that's what you're doing.  I would maybe even see if you could visit a CP branch in person to explain the situation, and to see if you're unable to get a resolution in the interim, whether they could oganise a foster for you.

I agree though.  Your lovely Boo will have her world turned upside down, which is why it's vital to ensure you get a good safe place for her, rather than somewhere she may end up abused or unhappy.   :hug: :hug:   Such a sad situation for all of you.

Offline stuholes

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Why cant you take her with you?

Have you spoken to your vet to see if they can help?

What are you going to do if she does not get a home?

Have you tried Coventry Cats run by.................ummmmmmmmmm forgot name at moment, will find a link.

Moving to Bangkok with 2 children under 3 and into a high rise apartment would not be fair on her. She needs to go to a good home where she can be outside and get in her with her normal cat duties.
I will be contacting the rspca again this week and begging my friends and family to help out if nothing gets sorted.
This has been very difficult burns am optimistic it'll all turn out ok.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Why cant you take her with you?

Have you spoken to your vet to see if they can help?

What are you going to do if she does not get a home?

Have you tried Coventry Cats run by.................ummmmmmmmmm forgot name at moment, will find a link. 
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 21:30:44 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Rosella moggy

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Hi Stuart.  I found this link which provides good advice from another CP branch.

Offline stuholes

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The details have been written from scratch. The only other place I have advertised is a local forum and Facebook. Ill be super careful who comes to see her.

Thanks for the cats protection information, I have now called and left them a message. I know im running out of time here that's why this is a plea. We have been on the case for 4 months now. Need to stay positive.

I had boo from cats protection nearly 7 years ago from a kitten. Don't think I'll still have any information as I have moved house since then.

Thanks again for the info.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Have you checked the paperwork that Boo came with from CP?  I too think it likely that CP would want a cat back to rehome in these circumstances. I see their website states :

"Due to an unprecedented number of our volunteer fosterers being away on holiday at the same time Coventry Cats Protection are unable to take anymore cats into our care until further notice. Whilst we appreciate this is not an ideal situation. We hope that people will understand"

I therefore suggest you contact them urgently if she only has 3 weeks before you leave  :hug:

Offline jezebel

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Stuart, that looks like you've copied the wording from an advert - have you advertised Boo anywhere such as gumtree? If so, PLEASE be very careful about finding a home that way. Those free ad places are rife with the sort of people you wouldn't want anywhere near an animal.

As Dawn says, check with Cat Protection first as rescues will usually take back cats they've homed.
You can't change the world by rescuing one cat, but for that one cat you are changing its world.

Offline Dawn F

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What do cats protection say they normally want cats back if you need to rehome

Offline stuholes

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Hello all, this is my first post on here and I am looking for your help.

I have been trying to re-home my cat for the past few months as my family and I are moving to Thailand as I have secured a teaching position over there. We leave on the 21st of July and are very quickly running out of time.

I have some people coming to see her on Wednesday (and possibly Monday) but I cant guarantee they will be the right people to take never know.

We are really sad to have to get her re-homed and it is now getting quite stressful at home thinking or what we can do, so we are looking for anyone, kind and caring to take her in and love her like we do.

      • Stuart Holes - NUNEATON  - CV10 0DX
        'BOO' - Tabby Cat - 6/7 years of age - Short Hair
        We have had her from the beginning, from the CATS PROTECTION in Coventry.
        She has just had her injections (27/06/16) and is going for a booster in 3 weeks time.
        Her health is very good, she is active and eats well both dry and wet foods (various brands - ALDI / ASDA)
        BOO has been allowed to roam free in and out of the house
        She is territorial like most cats are and it is obvious which cats she gets on with and who her friends are in the neighborhood
        We have 2 small children (2.5 and 8 weeks) - she is very wary of children at the minute mainly because my daughter doesn't understand the instruction of 'be gentle with her' - 'don't shout at her'
        I could she is a timid cat, wary of strangers initially but will warm to anyone once you have gained her trust.
        She enjoys sleeping on our bed in the day and sometimes sneaking onto it at night
        BOO likes to sit on our lap in the evening, and especially when the crazy children are both in bed

Can anyone help?
Family or person wanting a loving little companion

here are some photo's

« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 07:38:26 AM by Janeyk »


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