We're back from the vet. Right song and dance getting him into the carrier. I got him out from under the bed with treats but after one failed attempt to grab him, he hid under the sofa. I was trying to pull the sofa out but he just went with it and Kito was hurtling around wondering what was going on. Got him in and knowing we were late (Fetch delivery didn't come until bang on 9.30 - I'd rang vets to let them know) I still had to stop off for cash on the way so it stressful just getting to the vet.
The vet wants to wait and see. He said fractures and dislocations in cat tails are difficult to treat and if they don't heal themselves amputation is the best option. He said it was possible to pin them and strap them but really he wasn't sure he'd want to do that as not really in the best interest of the cat. He actually paused and pondered and said "hmm. Would I refuse to do that... " clearly thinking about whether he'd actually agtree to do something like that. It is a referral practice with a small amount of general practice so they obviously carry out complicated and expensive treatments (while I was waiting someone was at the desk paying £1700 in cash - he'd used up his insurance max payout) but they do tend to carefully consider whether just because something can be done it should be done. He didn't want to put us both through the stress and expense of X-Rays at the moment. There is an obvious kink in his tail but it doesn't look or feel as bad as last night. I saw the head honcho this time. Never seen him before as consultations usually done by interns.
So we're back with instructions to watch him, try to prevent him playing rough with Kito
(may have to separate them when I go out) and give him metacam for 4 to 5 days. The really good news as that he got out of the carrier and held his tail erect! He is still holding it hanging down most of the time but has held it fully up in the air a couple of times so that's fantastic. I've just given them both an unexpected snack so that I could lace Mosi's with metacam and he's eaten it.
So very promising news. He may always have a kink in his tail but I'm keeping everything crossed he doesn't have to have that lovely fluffy tail amputated