Author Topic: Introducing A Maine coon Kitten to a nervous small tabby.  (Read 2449 times)

Offline Quackaz

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  • Posts: 2
  • Slave to: Casper (Silver tabby x ginger tabby) Unborn kitten (Maine coon)
Introducing A Maine coon Kitten to a nervous small tabby.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2016, 13:37:45 PM »
Hi everyone! I'm new here but I'm looking for a little advice.

I am soon going to be getting a Maine Coon kitten (I am so excited!) The kitten will be brought into a home that already has a 7 yer old silver tabby x ginger tabby cat. Casper. Casper is very loving but also quite a nervous cat, she is very affectinate but at her own accord if you pick her up she will let you but she is clearly not happy. she jumps at sudden noises, hides when people come over and when we had my uncles dog around she ran upstairs hissed and got very upset and scared, she hid away all day. After a few times of the dog visiting she did start coming downstairs and even came in the same room but never went near him and ran when he tried to approach her. I am worried that bringing a kitten in will completely change her and upset my mum. Casper is also quite small and the kitten will get much bigger than her over time. I dont want her to get upset. Do you have any advise and tips for me that will prevent too much upset for Casper.

Ps. We have noticed casper gets very upset when she thinks she is alone. Often I would be somewhere else in the house and she would cry for someone as we work and visit relatives often i thought that being able to introduce another cat would help her to feel more confident and less lonely.

Thanks all!


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