TRy this thread or others in the section cos Kays cat had iodine trearment
Health & Behaviour General / Re: Possible Vidalta side-effects?
« on: September 28, 2013, 14:49:44 PM »
it was my Trigger, Louise - I took him to a centre in Wootten-under-Bassett, which was cheaper than Bristol, and the same distance to travel - their isolation period was 14 days, plus two days of tests - it is the hospital stay which bumps up the bill - it cost me £1500, and that was a year ago
because HyperT can give some support to dodgy kidneys, the centres have to be satisfied there is no other underlying disease, so the kidney levels have to be monitored for around 6 weeks while the cat has either Vidalta or Felimazole - if you can find a better vet, Jen, the necessary blood tests should be carried out, and her overall health carefully assessed, whilst bringing down her HT - do you know what the level was?
do make sure you are copied with all blood test results, as it will enable you to use the internet to carry out your own research
my Trigger was fine during his 6 weeks on Felimazole, had no effects from his 14 days of enforced isolation, put up with two 3 hour journeys to get to Wootten and back, and actually came home a little heavier than he went - so all in all it was well worth it for him and me - he was 11 at the time so had a good few years ahead of him, which does make a difference when weighing up the options